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  • Newbold
    Post count: 180
    in reply to: KCW randomness #85906

    It is. I hitched a ride with my mom as she was going to Phoenix for a craft fair. Iโ€™m surprised she let me bring along my old sketchy trailer but it worked out great. Traded a CBR600f4 from my junk yard. Iโ€™m over the moon happy about the deal. But as most good deals go: now the hard work begins ๐Ÿ™‚

    Post count: 180
    in reply to: KCW randomness #85903

    IMG_4785Oh darn, look what ended up on my trailer! A Wells Coyote. Best hill climb race car ever built. I got it for practically nothing but it needs a lot of love. However, just now I am finishing with my homebrew Hayabusa hill climb car I have spent the past year building from scratch, the Coyote will have to go straight to a back burner project. Since it was last raced with Colorado Hill Climb Association it has been robbed of its built subi engine and bus trans. It now has a ragged looking subi and type 1 trans from a sand rail. Probably going to need trans work to fix drive direction since itโ€™s mid engine, and missing all the shift linkage. Sigh- another project ๐Ÿ™‚

    Post count: 180

    The Newbolds are really looking forward to this!!!

    Post count: 180
    in reply to: RC Randomness #83049

    That’s a good idea. I could see getting in on a little sprint car. I have been building wings for my Hayabusa hill climb car lately and reading lots of stuff on sprint car wings. Fascinating and stylish looking accessoriesย  that really don’t do much until you get going fast. I bet a little sprint car would be fun to tweak and dial settings with…ย ย ย  ….And I too am trying to keep myself away from the hobby store like a recovered crack head would avoid a score ๐Ÿ™‚

    Post count: 180
    Post count: 180
    in reply to: KCW randomness #80933

    Lands End 2023Lands End Hill Climb was last weekend and it was a total blast as usual. I got another win in the motorbike class and put the bug on the podium with a respectable 3rd place in Rally 2WD class behind a BMW stage rally winner and A Porsche GT3. But on my last run 3rd gear left the party and by the time I got back to the trailer my little engine oil consumption issue had developed into a full blown oil burning smoke show. I sure cannot complain for two and a half years of racing on a $100 transmission I got from Alykat and a 160K mile Subaru engine I got out of a $400 dollar car that I sold for $500 after I pulled the engine out. Now, can I get so lucky to replace them again so easily…

    Post count: 180

    Nuke proof!

    Post count: 180
    in reply to: KCW randomness #78284

    How stoked was I to drop off my kiddo at daycare this morning only to hand her off to Audrey! Super cool that my daughter has someone to talk racecars with ๐Ÿ™‚

    Post count: 180

    With Ben on the job it’s sure to be a winner!

    Post count: 180
    in reply to: Motorcycle racket #76575

    PBR in the kegorator always waiting for any visitors!

    Also big campout and party in the shop back yard april 27th-30th with anything and everything planned, some dirt bike rides, maybe some other toys, who knows. Should be some good people out. 3rd annual meow meow may day PARTY ( no actual massacre (except beers))!MMDMShirt 2 copy

    Post count: 180
    in reply to: RC Randomness #75070

    Oh man that plane looks like fun! I bet I could make some people run for cover with it, maybe dive bomb under some easy-up tents Kirby Chambliss style at least a few times before I had to break out the CA glue ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Post count: 180
    in reply to: RC Randomness #74950

    That beast looks pretty bad ass Ben!!

    I bet you would dig flying John. So much concentration and such a rush. I probably had more fun with cars, especially when I had a proper track in my back yard but for me it was for sure more reckless whiskey throttle checkers or wreckers fun compared to the more sober exacting precision needed for flying. I crashed (totaled) at least a dozen plains in 3 or 4 years before I hung up my transmitter. I wasn’t mature enough yet and the balsa wrecks were epic sad but I still dream about getting back into it. I think I am waiting for a racing related injury to give me a forced break from racing to make it happen. Hopefully not a very bad injury though ๐Ÿ™‚ Just something that makes time. Good ol time.

    Post count: 180

    RAD! Way to go!!

    Post count: 180


    Post count: 180
    in reply to: RC Randomness #72988

    Sick! I’d like to see some dually wheels on the back ๐Ÿ™‚

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 180 total)