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  • John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    House is looking great!!!!   Floors are getting dialed, walls are coming together… have some cooling going on…  Things are looking awesome and I suspect Audrey will be moving in in a month or so…. 😎

    Lots of energy going into this!!!!!  😎  Great stuff!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1913

    Dang! What an awesome project this has been. So cool that you had the opportunity to buy a fixer-upper like this for your first home, Audrey. And right down the street from the best VW shop on the planet, no less! Location, location, location!

    Post count: 1668

    And right down the street from the best VW shop on the planet, no less! Location, location, location!

    right?!! How’d I get so lucky?! 😏😎

    thanks guys!!! It’s coming along so quickly! I can’t wait for it to be another hang out for everyone on kimball 😎

    *donations are now being accepted for the kimball Ave pool – If you donate you get unlimited free camping poolside 😉👙😎☀️*

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    Post count: 1668

    wallpaper… we looove you… 🤪
    got it all stripped down finally…under floor Plumbing got all finished up in the back too so we can put the floor down 👍🏻81DEE7FE-D5C5-46C0-ADF5-ECA1E24E38AEB05655BF-E1A7-4A4E-9D30-CB6EA01AF5B9705A7D6E-A052-4476-B06A-5468F9B70D3A
    lots patching on ceilings and near base boards needed 👍🏻 The base boards are nailed right into the Adobe so the ones we had to pull off brought some of the wall with them… 3CD9F12B-A340-45FB-8AB9-F8B3B516C0AE59598469-33DC-46AB-B0CD-AD3044C72423404D0DC3-7991-4A29-84FF-6DBEA3084456
    Also patching up the Adobe on the outside where needed 👍🏻3EAC6E1D-ED39-49C2-A702-E1B5946F24FC
    now that plumbing is looking good, they can cut the back door higher and put the rest of the back floor down too! 👍🏻

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    olaf Jonasson
    Post count: 16

    How’s it going this project ??


    Post count: 3541

    Bet it’s annoying and more$$$$ than anybody wants!!!! But Holy Shit, that huge lot and really cool historic house is gonna pay off BIG!!!

    Post count: 2632

    I saw it this week and it is looking awesome! Going to be such a cool place!

    Post count: 1668

    The house is going well!! We’ve had a pretty busy month at KCW so we took a little break and are back on it for a little while until we can start doing things ourself!!

    The back roof over what used to be the porch fell in last week after a huge rain storm came through… bummer… but glad it happened before I lived there and we had it all finished and looking nice!! 😅

    So last week and this week have been spent doing some roof repairs and drywall repairs… plus finishing up other drywall through the house 👍🏻
    All the below floor plumbing is finished so the floor could be covered! Framing for walls in the bathroom and laundry are going up too!

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Audrey got her new windows in over the weekend!!! Scott has been a busy beaver over there… 😎  Pics tomorrow!!!!!!  So awesome, coming together slowly but surely…

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Audrey’s new home is getting close…. Close to painting on the inside!!!  After hanging out at the Harts house this weekend… I am ready to invest in a pool at Audrey’s house…. 😎 😎  With a hot tub, with heat, a nice one, oasis in Audrey’s back yard!  I can’t do it here 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1668

    After hanging out at the Harts house this weekend… I am ready to invest in a pool at Audrey’s house…. 😎 😎 With a hot tub, with heat, a nice one, oasis in Audrey’s back yard! I can’t do it here 😎

    HELL YEAH!!! You KNOW I’m down for that!! I’ve always wanted a pool!!! I’ll split you JJ!!!!

    the house is definetly coming along!!! We had to slow down a little this last month while we had so many events going on, but the progress is coming along!!
    FFC21012-6D41-4AE1-986B-ECE355240DC0347187A9-1100-407A-ADC2-1BA0616C3F8DScott’s been doing some of the interior trim around the windows too 😍 it’s looking sooo good! Just waiting for electricians to come before we totally finish the drywall 👍🏻A66FC44E-8F33-4853-BBB5-51CF9045BFCE63DEBE3C-74F9-4E58-B275-4BF44B2D6B69The guys are finishing up a few loose ends and moving out most of their stuff so we can start painting and putting flooring in soon!

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    Post count: 1913

    I bet Audrey will be able to pay her mortgage and then some with AirBnb rentals while she’s out camping!! This house is cute AF.

    Post count: 1668

    This house is cute AF.

    ah thanks 😁

    house is still coming along!! The electrical is almost all roughed in!!!

    drywall is almost all the way done… and  we bought flooring to put down once we finish painting! 🥳

    the kitchen cabinets were delivered and we found a sweet deal on a fridge and microwave… all you need, right? 😉


    I love how the windows came out 😍

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    Post count: 2632

    Looking more and more like a house! Looking awesome Audrey!

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    SO proud of my two favorite ladies!!!!!   This house is a giant leap forward for Audrey in life… and I am sooo happy for her!!! 😎  😎 😎

    Stable safe housing very near close family, she can’t get kicked out, rent can’t go up, just another complication in life dealt with… 😎  One less thing to worry about….

    and when we get the cash for a pool…. oh man.. it’s on!!!  😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 184 total)
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