Home Forums KCW Completed Projects Audrey’s Adventures with Home Ownership

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  • volksaddict
    Post count: 1010

    Love the pic of Gretchen looking at that floor 🙂 That would be a big intimidation for many buyers, like a rotten floor pan. About as easy to fix too!

    Gretchen Jones
    Post count: 1416

    View from my porch (no zoom)🤣🤣🤣🤣 see the house back there?


    I love going on adventures in our bus!!!

    Post count: 526

    She’ll be able to flash the lights when the kettle’s boiled

    Test Pilot @ Submarine Airways

    rick plsek
    Post count: 25

    Congratulations Audrey!! That is an awesome spot! I actually have been in that house doing cable.. I have a really funny story about it!

    I was called out there for a VCR not working.. which is funny.. because we don’t work on VCR’s..but i figured i would help the old guy out that lived there. So.. He took this VHS tape out of the sleeve.. I remember it was Top Gun… He popped it in the VCR and i once got the right input switched..it started playing..  and it definitely wasn’t Top Gun and right then his wife walked in the room.. and..let me tell you.. the volume was up and the picture was right up on the TV..

    The wife was like.. what in the world are you watching, and the old guy said.. “i just got this from Goodwill its not mine”.. Either he really did and someone stashed that XXX video in that sleeve and it made its way to Goodwill and that guy thought he was buying Top Gun,or that’s where he stashed his stash.. …

    So.. Seriously.. every time i drive by that house i think of that story and how that old guy turned beet red!.. and now you own it!! Its a very cool spot..cant wait to see what you guys do to it!

    Post count: 73

    Good job you and congratulations!  Absolutely one of the best things you could do starting out! Everything is fixable (even if it takes some time) and it’s YOURS!  🙂🙂

    Post count: 526

    Gee,that floor does look like a skate park.

    I can highly recommend polished concrete,with inbuilt heating.i had the guys lay the white concrete floor then polished it using some hire equipment and then sealed it.A days work to do 100 square metres.

    It’s as easy as using a floor polisher to do and after 10 years it still looks great and so easy care with a damp mop.

    The guy at the sealer place asked me what level of finish do you want…I said….red wine proof


    Maybe with time and a couple of plan Bs,that could become known as Jones Corner


    Test Pilot @ Submarine Airways

    Gretchen Jones
    Post count: 1416

    I have a really funny story about it! I was called out there for a VCR not working.. which is funny.. because we don’t work on VCR’s..but i figured i would help the old guy out that lived there. So.. He took this VHS tape out of the sleeve.. I remember it was Top Gun… He popped it in the VCR and i once got the right input switched..it started playing.. and it definitely wasn’t Top Gun and right then his wife walked in the room.. and..let me tell you.. the volume was up and the picture was right up on the TV.. The wife was like.. what in the world are you watching, and the old guy said.. “i just got this from Goodwill its not mine”.. Either he really did and someone stashed that XXX video in that sleeve and it made its way to Goodwill and that guy thought he was buying Top Gun,or that’s where he stashed his stash.. … So.. Seriously.. every time i drive by that house i think of that story and how that old guy turned beet red!.. and now you own it!! Its a very cool spot..cant wait to see what you guys do to it!

    I love that story🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    I love going on adventures in our bus!!!

    Post count: 710

    Awesome! Congrats Audrey👍👍

    Post count: 57

    That is awesome. My wife and I live across from her parents. It comes in handy when you need a cup of sugar, tools, money, more food, a babysitter…you get the idea. Congrats on home ownership!!! Looks like you have quite the project.

    Post count: 343

    What a fun project for you Audrey! I can’t wait to see what you make out of this place

    Post count: 132

    That is awesome. My wife and I live across from her parents. It comes in handy when you need a cup of sugar, tools, money, more food, a babysitter…you get the idea. Congrats on home ownership!!! Looks like you have quite the project.

    Your a brave man moving in across from your in-laws! Keep your friends close and enemies closer I guess. 😉

    Scott Sain
    Post count: 392

    Curious. What does a property like that cost out there? I do renos over here. In the middle of one now near Pete’s house!

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    Douglas E Fresh
    Post count: 359

    Im 60 miles away and the market is insane.  People paying over appraisal, sight unseen.  Maybe only 5-10 houses for sale at any given time, and total dog shit fixer uppers are going for 250k.  Property values all over the western slope are going crazy.  With so many people being able to work from home now due to COVID (and the dank weed) theres a huge influx of folks.  Ive made more off my house in the last three years than i have working….fucked up but true

    Post count: 710

    Ha! You can’t get a shitbox bulldoze bait place where I live for under half a million….and people are paying hundreds of thousands over asking for everything 🙄🙄

    Douglas E Fresh
    Post count: 359

    Everything is relative. Average wage on western slope is still around 27 to 30k a year… ouch.  At that rate 250k might as well be a million…

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