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  • Pete
    Post count: 1142

    Curious. What does a property like that cost out there? I do renos over here. In the middle of one now near Pete’s house!

    Where over here?

    Yes, real estate is nuts.  Feels like a bubble again. I sold my aunts house back in Feb.  Never had to list it, cash buyer, no contingencies.  1950’s time capsule, needed everything done.  New owner worked on it non stop for three months, put it on market last Friday.  It was under contract on Sunday.

    Post count: 132

    I bought my house in a suburb of Vancouver 20 years ago for $260k. I remember being freaked out about paying that much! House next door just sold for $1.1 million and they tore it down. 85′ x 85′ lot.

    Safe to say my kids won’t be buying the house across the street.

    Post count: 5403

    At these prices, I don’t think many kids will be able to get financing to buy a house.

    Its sad, we’re turning into a society of peasants and lords.

    Post count: 1668

    Curious. What does a property like that cost out there? I do renos over here. In the middle of one now near Pete’s house!

    We ended up getting this house for 12ok and it was listed as a tear-down… it sits on 3 city lots and we feel like just the dirt is probably worth the 40k/lot at this point so I think we did very good!! Especially since we won’t be tearing the house down 😏 Real estate is going CRAZY here too… this was the cheapest listing in the whole grand valley that wasn’t a trailer… I don’t think we will find something for this price again…

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    Post count: 1036

    My brother and I sold the old family place in Hotchkiss last August. One of the local realtors told me a few days ago that if the people who bought it wanted to put it back on the market they could probably get twice what we sold it for and have buyers standing in line. Would have been nice to be able to hang on to it for that extra value jump….but it is what it is.


    Post count: 1668

    Early last week Scott, Frank, and Dave got to work on the house!! Construction officially has begun!!
    A little drywall texture tester… plus a peak of Greta 😁C01A7799-3E50-4CE3-A598-F936E26EE4BCA885A793-EF8D-4707-A057-357B00A6DD7FBC2CAF45-C439-4738-956B-7FBD1B8F881779DDA63A-1B4C-4595-90CC-9E93707D0FE506A0511C-3499-4D55-BB89-B9BFE596ACE24D2FC600-E0C8-4D2F-8512-910A04F72EAD28E1FF62-DD2E-4976-B65A-DDFA6FC572DDPulled up and reinforced the floor that was no longer attached, and opened up the walkway into the kitchen a bit! Look at that interior Adobe brick wall!!

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    Post count: 1668

    We took our tow rig for a dump haul last week too 😁😎 who wants to guess how much the pamper weighed in at?? JJ was a little shocked – and the roof was empty 😅


    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    Post count: 147

    damn is starting to look better already


    Post count: 2632

    How much??


    House is looking cleaned up!

    Scott Sain
    Post count: 392

    Where over here?



    VWs, food, music, and food
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    Post count: 1401

    That is going to be a nice place when finished. Even in Tucson, real estate is going crazy. I don’t go a week with out a call, text, or a post card in my mail box from some cash buyer wanting to buy my house. Told the wife, some day, I’m going to call them on their offer.

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    Post count: 1913

    The Pamper is a goddamn work tuck!

    Post count: 47

    Woohoo! I am so excited to follow this thread. There is so much potential with this place and I can’t wait to see what you do!

    Post count: 132

    Woohoo! I am so excited to follow this thread. There is so much potential with this place and I can’t wait to see what you do!

    Same here.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I can’t say enough how awesome I think this is… Gretchen has really been on it at the house… Although I think SHE may be causing a “distraction” or two… 😎 😎 😎 😎  Audrey has still been bouncing back and forth between fruita and finishing up obligations she still had there.  But she is done with those now and I think we will start seeing her even more..  She wants to be at the shop doing something most of the time.. But I think for the next few months…  Her attention will be more focused on her house..  Which is GREAT! 😎


    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

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