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  • Pat K
    Post count: 2933

    Morning progress pics….like JJ said floors are in. Burning in seat mounts now….then 409 or so welds to grind…🎉🥳53BE0EBA-11E3-4A70-BC3A-7B1F25900E8FC7EC38C3-0675-4543-A925-DB6980903362C694F16A-B673-4636-8EC0-529155DE9443

    We will build it if it comes.

    Post count: 107

    Wow…a lot more work than we were led to believe by the seller.   Will be solid now though…

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    This old girl needed a lot of love…. 😎  😎  😎 But she is still wearing 93% of her original paint…. 😎 😎  Here is a step by step on them rear patches, I am about to start grinding on the 409 welds…. 😎  it’s getting damn close to flipping it over time!!!!  😎 and it’s only Tuesday!!!!  😎 😎






    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 107

    93%.   😆

    Post count: 3541

    That’s some clean metal work!!!! Can’t wait to see the blends! 😀😀😀

    Post count: 5403

    Sand blasting today? Should be warm enough in a couple hours.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    do we blast or don’t we???  No doubt in my mind paint will stick better and longer if we blast it….  But we gotta be real damn care full….. 😎 I don’t really want to get sand all up in it..  as it’s perfectly clean at the moment..    humm,,,  buddy… your thoughts?  blasting it will take no more and maybe less time than sanding…  and better end product for sure.

    Pat is knocking out the last few items.. Pop out hinge and latch plate…. were gonna weld them 6 holes in the deck lid too… tiny repairs..  Notice how careful he is being with your og paint.. hanging that welding blanket over it.. 😎



    That floor came out fucking TIT’s!!!!!  Nice work Pat…Every corner, every edge, sweet!!!

    That flip over dolly… shit… maybe I should blast that thing off!! I have had that flip over dolly for 20 freaking years!! It has flipped over 100’s of busses!!!! 100’s….  😎  Make me smile… and I know it’s been copied a ton!!! cause it is simple and works… 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 107

    Whatever you think.  You are the expert!

    Pat K
    Post count: 2933

    Pics from last night/today… forward drivers side pop out latch mount repairs were first. 84B0BFE0-D239-44A6-B5C1-FBB147ED915B911C6EF7-ED5A-4412-A838-CB911814DB1FB18F2964-771D-4CAB-8820-DD1F2E3C2714

    Same pop out but window hinge mount repairs.

    Had to do some pin and slide hammer work to get the area back in shape, it was dented in pretty good……Welded up all the holes. Clamped a soaked cold rag to the outer skin to help keep heat away ….Left the the pins in place until I finished welding I case it decided to shrink back in, luckily it didn’t!11364D3C-0539-45DD-9E94-FFF403EFC61A18AA6B62-2113-4899-B27E-14D0AAB03653F4508620-DD16-40DF-BFA7-D2341524CAF5CCD4F705-3709-4195-9E5D-B267DC0959FA

    Gas pedal mount burned in.30982478-EE2F-4392-AB5C-260C72AF242EB8138CC3-0EFD-4A55-BAE6-B4F6BB868DEB

    Pushed the heat tube into its final location and burned it in.

    Decklid holes gone…6939EA15-2643-496D-A0CB-91364C61438E184E667C-54A4-48EA-A4E9-5BF53BBAFE8A29CB8145-6977-4523-BA49-383622B57FCFE4634DE4-A611-440F-A0B7-275895A19EF8A7E36E8A-1465-4BA4-9D50-3EAFADECF909

    Flipped her over niceNeasy. 7206201A-DFE8-4D6D-ABB0-9779EAFCECF297829883-7DA8-44F3-821A-B2E66825B160322CE4B0-7CD6-4C28-8F4B-EF16ADBC056D

    Need to do some grinding and finish up the welding the I didn’t get to from the top side.857E42EA-D9D1-41EC-834E-2E97A0BDD59B526F3FCC-9F59-4C36-A3D9-6B098CB75723

    Front inner valance has a couple of spots that need a small patch.BF6B695B-5B16-44FD-86D7-A823088AC3AC

    We will also take a good look around to see what else needs attention like the pass rear bumper mount and the valance lip.0493628D-6643-4708-8C8A-D896A04E23A86B400D75-ACFF-4276-857F-09CC06BA4CE4

    We will build it if it comes.

    Post count: 2632

    Always so cool seeing a bus on its side 😎

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Pat is doing them lower valance repairs now…  gonna do some grinding, them get it all dusted off today I hope!!!

    Sadie is not helping. 😎


    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 107

    Can’t wait to start that bottom paint and the mechanicals…great job KCW!

    Pat K
    Post count: 2933

    Metal work done!!!

    That was a chore getting the bottom side finished!

    Started at 1am last night, flipped her back up right about an hour ago.

    First up was straightening the lower valance lip. Much better!F353375B-21B3-4872-8124-C6F69AF79FC8

    Next was fitting the new pedal pan. Only had to make a couple of tweaks to get it on. 93AC8FA6-FB0F-49CC-8683-269367D21A6C21F2ED4A-1D50-4AD9-817C-B2B5214CDF05

    Noticed a broken bolt in one of the pedal pan valance mounts. I was able to drill and tap it. No invasive surgery required!!F061298C-FB41-4318-875F-7FD9A30DD4F37C001244-09C8-48EF-B5EF-F554440AD59C

    All 4 of the  pedal pan side mounts in the frame were stripped.  Welded nuts to the back sides. Forgot a welded pic…oops…CE6D7C1F-0A1A-45AE-8FC4-658207E80E41B10445EA-5144-459E-84E6-EEF988C083A30F566735-5EE7-460E-BF48-8C6ECC3FA4B4

    Fits great!!4A78BD3A-DEEE-48CC-803C-26DB61A15AFF80D3273E-0EAA-4636-A8E3-815C023C1653DA302745-4B15-4429-8D7D-0FB15A83229D

    Pass inner valance needed 2 patches.D08A07B8-1F97-433B-82B7-014BE14E1128

    Drivers side a pillar and inner valance also needed patches.6D7AE8BE-DF5F-4719-A73A-2D948224E94605594EFC-4481-4500-9AF5-DA93E0C7473B

    Finished welding the jack points, bulkhead and seat pedestal to the front center section, trimmed the excess off of the drivers side rocker lower lip, and lots of misc finish grinding. 71F2D7D9-47C5-4D86-B8AB-62B611CE058A7E4BF457-25AB-41D2-B398-41C03CC6C07F



    Last repair!!!! Smashed up rear cargo floor support. Looks like it landed on a big ol’rock at some point. A6B0AC2A-353B-405C-A867-53BC3CCA7A6B23044D75-698F-4115-BB4D-076788512A74ED01F983-94CF-438C-8167-4FA27C3E29AA

    Chopped the cap out. Sliced the smashed section to hammer it straight. E4BB988B-6189-4956-A05D-4916FB2DDEAE

    Welded the support back together. Fabed a new cap, burned it all together, and dressed it up all purty like. 1C54DA5B-10CF-451E-9C39-87C3DE37E173D4997512-B262-4016-84CB-8CE5F11EDF9EB9F0D116-6407-4291-B7B9-958C0371EAE8

    Ready for a bottom side cleanup in the blast booth. 884A4D6F-91EB-4A4D-BB07-7EAAEEC93272

    Lots of grinder and metal dust after a double shift.01A4517B-FE5D-4777-8317-B73511DB632A


    We will build it if it comes.

    Post count: 1025

    Damn nice work Pat.

    Post count: 5403

    Hell yeah, 4 weeks ago this rolled off the trailer in as-found condition.

    Now it has new floors, rockers, and all the other normal bus rust repairs.

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 484 total)
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