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  • gianni
    Post count: 47

    What an amazing picture!!!!! gretchen’s hair is gorgeous 🔥 🔥🔥 you two are so happy and cute 🥰

    Post count: 47

    Oh bummer for Gianni😔. Guess it’s boys weekend then!!!! You guys will have to be responsible….. Gianni just got the weekend off🎉🧐😂🙈

    Hahaha i know right. I’m packing them a little snack bag so they will at least have something!! Sad that I’ll miss the show & Audrey/Robert but probably for the best I rest and don’t spread whatever i have

    Sending love to all the BBB goers !! Have so much fun

    Post count: 47

    Ca soon Willy! Is Gianni flying back too?

    im driving back!! gotta see you & Gretchen, hopefully Audrey too 🤞🏼

    Post count: 47


    Roof is already on?! You two are crushing it. Dream team! Bus looks great but… so do the coveralls 🔥🔥

    Post count: 47

    amazing team KCW!! woohoooo! it was such a treat to watch you race. Went from having all four tires off, engine out, transmission taken apart on sunday to kicking butt on monday!! 8th place!

    Post count: 47
    in reply to: KCW randomness #72695

    Maybe I should order some to take and sell at BBB???

    Yes!! Please do and I will be your sales rep 🙂 🙂

    Post count: 47
    in reply to: Willbur's 65 SO42 #63856

    PAT! fake news. happy to report that I am not bearing any children now or anytime soon. Kula has been staying with us and she is the only baby i need in my life.

    I met a fortune teller lady here in Venice and she told me that I am going marry someone much older than me.. so I think Will is too young for me 😉 😉

    Post count: 47

    Just talked to some folks at dub fab who are planning on a Saturday arrival!

    Post count: 47
    in reply to: Willbur's 65 SO42 #61956

    Franz coming in to help at the 16th hour!! Woohoo 76CFF5EE-D68F-4B99-9AD8-A1DEE0E28609

    Post count: 47
    in reply to: Willbur's 65 SO42 #61947

    On our way from steamboat, trying to stay warm! 9CF3660C-90A4-437A-A847-697280F9DF68

    Post count: 47
    in reply to: Willbur's 65 SO42 #61915

    He vers off the road to easy…. 😎 😎 😎

    why can’t he be as loyal as you!? He almost didn’t bring me but then he decided that he could take off work so that we can have our first vacation/road trip in months hahahah. I am thankful cause I’m so excited to see the KCW crew, Jones fam, and then drive backroads back to CA!! I heard Willy is taking us to Roosters tomorrow? 🙂

    Pat I am already working on him. He wanted to ski tomorrow and I said I want to ski too but we need to get our asses to GJ to build these engines !!!! Work then play

    Post count: 47
    in reply to: Willbur's 65 SO42 #61333

    Whoah hey, I’m not giving up on the SO42. Maybe we’ll just bring both?

    Maybe he’ll tow the So42 with the Doka?? Ahahah 👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼

    Post count: 47

    Yay Audrey and the Jones Team!!!!!

    Post count: 47
    in reply to: Willbur's 65 SO42 #61294

    I’m betting Will drives a Doka to BBB….

    this is the back up plan indeed. nailed it

    Post count: 47
    in reply to: Willbur's 65 SO42 #61293

    You keep her out in Cali with you… 😎 😎 😎 This is Will’s distraction in life.. I already got one… 😎 😎 😎

    Ahahahahah that is very fair. At least I can make time to try to get Wills shit out of there! But its okay I know you love lookin at it 🙂


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