Home Forums KCW Current Projects Scott Moss’ 23 Window!!!

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  • Willy
    Post count: 1913

    Well it seems like about time something became of this bus…

    This is the 23 window that came with my OG paint 15. Here’s a bit of the background on how we got here:

    As was said before, persistence pays off! It’s a long story but a pretty funny one. I first saw this bus back in February 2017, but not in person. It actually sorta found me. One of the guys I was living with while at CSU matched with a girl on Tinder and immediately showed me her profile and jokingly said, “dude, check this girl out. She’s got a bus in her picture so you’d probably like her.” I took his phone and out loud said “holy shit that looks like an early deluxe.” Immediately was made fun of for being more interested in the bus but luckily she had included her Instagram handle in her profile and I was able to track down the name of the photographer who took the pictures. I then found her Facebook page, messaged her and asked if she would show me where that “old bus” was in some of her pictures if I paid her for a photo session. She agreed but insisted that we actually do the photo session… so I drove 3 hours from Fort Collins to Nebraska to take these silly pictures I didn’t even really want and are totally not my style but whatever. She had me sounding out vowels really slow and kept asking me to run my fingers through my hair, look moody, etc. After we finished and she had left the owner had just come home, so I introduced myself and told him that am really only there so I could see this bus for myself. So we talk VWs for a while and I finally ask if he’d be willing to sell. He said he’s had it for 20+ years and life has gotten in the way (kids and stuff) but his last kid is almost out of high school so maybe he will have time once they’re gone. “Come back in 3 years and maybe we’ll see.” Since then I would lose sleep over thinking about this bus at least once a month, depending on how much VW related stuff I was doing. So 2-3 weeks ago I decide I’ll just go out and see if he’s there and can plant the seed again. Drive 5 hours from Steamboat in the Jagd and he’s not home. I loiter for a bit around this little town and keep checking back in on his place periodically. Find a path that leads along an irrigation ditch that goes behind his property and verify that the bus is actually still there. Then I start looking up his name for a phone number in yellow pages and in the school directory since he told me he was a shop teacher at the community college nearby. Eventually I accidentally call his mom who said she’d pass my info along. It’s starting to get late so I head back to Colorado to camp for the night and try again. Is head back on Sunday and he’s there. Knock on the door, we talk, look at the doka, look at the 15 again, and talk some more. I ask again if he’d be willing to sell it and he says probably not yet I still might get to it, that kind of stuff. Then he mentions the 23, and that his plans for it are to take the roof off the 23 and put it on the 15. I ask him to please never do that, call me first before you ruin 2 buses… (Rusty👀) He says yeah maybe I’ll give you a call someday, otherwise check in with me in another 2 years. A week later he texts me and says, “who knows when if ever I’ll get to finishing these. I’d love to see them back on the road so why don’t you come get them.”


    Now most people would turn away from a project like this, but luckily we all know a guy who has a reputation of rescuing buses that are typically deemed “un-restorable” 😏

    This is going to be an involved, family-heavy, Jones-Moss collab on a bus that definitely deserves the KCW treatment. We’re really excited!


    Post count: 1913

    The details:

    1962 23 Window Walk-Thru

    Sealing Wax Red / Beige Grey

    M-Coded fog lights and ambulance step

    Post count: 357

    So sick! And huge project 🤯

    Post count: 3541

    So Scott Hall has ended up with this?!?!?!? Is there really a possibility that he will build it Stock????🤔😃🤔😃🤔😃

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    No!!!  Scott Moss!   Wills dad….

    this will be awesome build!  I love ❤️ saving these old derelicts!!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1025

    I wish, looks far more build able than my carcass

    Post count: 1668

    Whoa… you know your bus is rough when you’d rather have one that’s cut in half 😂

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    Post count: 2581

    Whoa… you know your bus is rough when you’d rather have one that’s cut in half 😂


    hahahha ! hilarious

    go will !

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I have one of them ambulance steps out back.. 😎 😎  I’ll make ya a sweetheart deal on it… 😎

    We stuck the roof on for the weekend…  Looks better cleaned and lined up…  It will be coming off!!

    How about that dash!!!!!

    I think I might go ahead and put it on a dolly…  😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    The culprit and some mock-up 😎


    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 3541

    I Dunno John….. think you can really save it???!!!????!!!!E7B53CA0-6252-4934-9309-4019812772C2753F190E-3B15-469A-8274-FD1C6DBDCF87

    Post count: 357

    Dang what a little mock-up will do to a project! Looks like a real bus nice work JJ

    Post count: 1668

    8AC809D0-37D6-4171-AD00-CC96D785109BThe beginning of its new life!!! Brought her over to KCW from the staging lot on Thursday with the ol 420 😎 03809D48-56B7-4F37-8A82-C2A4137B536F150B537F-86D6-4792-A71A-3F2C38F3DB57FEBDB065-CB42-4E53-A23A-052F55B414D0CBFE2456-4A90-48D0-B657-113759B00EA635E64E8A-B6BC-4000-AB48-F86C04304C44shes looking rough… but has some goodies inside – like a corner window that looks pretty good and some sky lights! All the removeables are there… the seats though… whoa… they are crumbling as you pick them up, gonna need to get some new ones from WW 😁👍🏻4F8C6B5C-1DDB-46D6-9DCC-6A3D9F80A264A breck brewery can found in the bus – cheers Willy!!! 😁 makes me want some mountain beach 😎F1E453FD-1767-4904-ABC2-4724A96E06853C7A442E-434D-4999-B044-08235A1B3D70832D0D91-AD31-4875-B3DD-633293B83213this bus was dirty!! Clearly sat in that field for a good while… But I spent the last couple days cleaning her out and removing all the shit… she’s looking a LOT better 👍🏻 definetly has some rust… but nothing we can’t work with 😎

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    Post count: 2581

    total awesomeness !

    Post count: 526


    two 23 windows at the top of the posts…with fucking bubba in the middle

    DO WORK !!

    Test Pilot @ Submarine Airways

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