Home Forums KCW Completed Projects Mary’s Yukon Yellow 55 vert

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  • Franz
    Post count: 5403

    Badass steering wheel arrived.


    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    Great…  Franz, got your email.  I’ll see about ordering from Chuck’s tomorrow.

    Post count: 5403

    Wes got the body on the lift this evening. Installing on the pan tomorrow.

    Post count: 43

    Got the body on the lift and got the pan all cleaned up and we are prepping to set this body onto the pan here soon. PXL_20201015_214608170.MPPXL_20201015_214557223PXL_20201016_135146203

    Post count: 43

    Here ya go. Body is now sitting on the pan. Now it’s time to start getting all the hardware installed and getting things lined up.  I took a time lapse of dropping the body onto the pan, but it’s not letting me upload the file… So later today I’ll get with Franz and see if we can get it posted up somehow. PXL_20201016_153859630

    Post count: 1025

    Looking good guys

    Post count: 710

    Rad! We gotta do something with this 55 vert here😖

    Post count: 43

    Yesterday I had a good solid day on this 55 vert. Got the body on the pan, got all the pan hardware in with no real big fuss (thanks pat)PXL_20201016_220417620PXL_20201016_220322920PXL_20201016_220425388PXL_20201016_220457981

    After that I got the ebrake cover and gasket fitted and installed. I also had to modify the rear axle nuts as we found out they where not tightening the drums and bottoming out on the axle splines so I found some spacers and Franz tig’d them on for me.



    After that my goal was to get it back on 4 wheels at the end of the day. I met that goal.  Here’s some money shot sunset pics for ya.


    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    Hell Yeah.!!!!!

    Mary says she wants accessories for her convertible.  So I’ve already been buying stuff, so things should start showing up at KCW soon.

    If anyone has some original accessories to sell, contact me.

    Post count: 43


    Today I’m getting the steering column installed and was wondering if you bought that fancy turn signal switch or do want me to install the one you currently have? Also I can grab a later style dimmer switch and install it, or would you like to buy the correct one for it?


    Post count: 5403

    Maybe we should order an engine soon? I know Mary probably wants a 2276cc…but this car would be more simple and driveable with a 2007 or 1914cc and look just as cool. I’m going to dress it all up custom show car Pip style, right?

    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    Kelly, Today I’m getting the steering column installed and was wondering if you bought that fancy turn signal switch or do want me to install the one you currently have? Also I can grab a later style dimmer switch and install it, or would you like to buy the correct one for it?

    I did buy the SWF red tip turn signal.  Its coming from Europe, so it might take a couple of weeks.

    Let me see if I can find the correct early dimmer switch, before we use the later style.

    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    Maybe we should order an engine soon? I know Mary probably wants a 2276cc…but this car would be more simple and driveable with a 2007 or 1914cc and look just as cool. I’m going to dress it all up custom show car Pip style, right?

    Let me talk with her.  I’m thinking like you are Franz.  2007 0r 1914 cc     Yes, on the custom looking motor.  She keeps saying everything black but the body, but I’ll confirm once again with her before we start the motor.

    Post count: 43

    Yesterday I got a little bit of progress yesterday as it was a Monday around here for sure and I was also busy with tying up loose ends with the parkway projects. I was able to locate all OG stuff and get it blasted an painted for the steering column.


    Today I located an OG steering coupler, I did a light blast on all the rubber stuff to get it all looking new again. I located a used steering column bushing, painted all the hardware and got the steering column installed. Once I did that I had to realign the steering box to the steering column. Then I installed the horn contact and wired it up as well. I put a crappy steering wheel on it so we don’t mess up that fancy wheel while getting things assembled.



    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Mary can start seeing it now,  This is going to be the shit!!!!!!  Love them King Crabs..

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 465 total)
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