Home Forums KCW Completed Projects Mary’s Yukon Yellow 55 vert

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  • Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    Super cool car! Maybe a light tan interior would look good? 63-Porsche_356B_Cabrio-DV-16-GCA_01-800<noscript63-Porsche_356B_Cabrio-DV-16-GCA_01-800</noscript>

    Willy…That’s one of the choices on our list of colors.

    I’m hesitant to ask John or Franz to do a website poll on the group of colors cause we could ended up with 2-3 pages of  talk about why or why not to have a certain color.   But I’m open to everyone’s suggestions.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Web site Poll…… 😎  😎  Thats funny… and was done soo much about 10 years ago…. 😎  Not so much anymore… 😎

    I didn’t accomplish much yesterday.. I got the body transferred over to one of my body dollies… and Gave it a bath!!!  It was dirty dirty!!!  and needs me to do some rubbing on it.. it has tape residue and spots that are marred from a cover or parts storing or something…    More progress today!!! 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Washed a bunch of the storage and transport dust and muck off yesterday… 😎



    This morning I was using this adhesive remover to get all the tape residue off the car… it was randomly everywhere. 😎



    Then onto tapping holes for assembly prep..


    Looks like we are missing a running board hole… 😎  We are missing a trim hole on the pass front 1/4 also… 😎 8-(  Them Jack points look funny also?? maybe????




    Lots of good parts….. Lots of missing parts also… 😎  Franz noticed your taillights are american spec 55.. You need hearts… I haven’t seen lenses or bulb holders for these yet either… 😎  Wrong headlight switch.. this is  59 style…  I have not seen a wiper switch also…. But you have an NOS ignition switch!!!!!! 😎  😎  😎  😎  No chrome for middle of dash, also no speedo trim ring either….  Maybe there are more trinkets hiding in a box????

    The speedo is SOOOOO nice and original…. Do you want it sent in and restored by Orange Empire zero’ed out and shit?



    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Also… I haven’t seen a stitch of hardware….  New I assume… regular Hex head??  Please not Allen head!!! 8-(

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 147

    one of my favorite cars, cant wait for this to come together


    would it have hearts? or the egg taillights (8 month only production ones)

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I hope we can keep some steady momentum on this project so it does not turn into a 6 year build….. 😎  😎  😎  😎  😎

    Franz was saying the other day… NO project should take more than 18 months… 😎  😎  😎  Other wise the hourly rate doubles… 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1142

    I hope we can keep some steady momentum on this project so it does not turn into a 6 year build….. 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 Franz was saying the other day… NO project should take more than 18 months… 😎 😎 😎 Other wise the hourly rate doubles… 😎

    You do that and those projects will take 18 YEARS to finish….😉

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Locking drivers door handle would be sweet too.. 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 598

    I hope we can keep some steady momentum on this project so it does not turn into a 6 year build….. 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 Franz was saying the other day… NO project should take more than 18 months… 😎 😎 😎 Other wise the hourly rate doubles… 😎


    I’d have to agree, add it up before you get started and pad that!!!  Storing projects gets overbearing, they can get chipped, dented, cats and dogs piss on it…

    “Life is a waterfall,
    We’re one in the river and one again after the fall”

    Baja Mark
    Post count: 448

    I stripped this ‘62 Yukon yellow Kab back to original paint and did a ton of blending for a TV programme last year – the hood was originally olive green – you could see the colour underneath in places. I think olive green would suit it well.

    Post count: 3541

    Cool Rig Mark!!!! This Vert build is gonna be fun to watch!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Post count: 5403

    I’m going to send you an email later today with “the list” of everything that is missing.

    We have egg shell tail lights housings…but euro car should have hearts. So we need everything.

    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    Web site Poll…… 😎 😎 Thats funny… and was done soo much about 10 years ago…. 😎 Not so much anymore… 😎 I didn’t accomplish much yesterday.. I got the body transferred over to one of my body dollies… and Gave it a bath!!! It was dirty dirty!!! and needs me to do some rubbing on it.. it has tape residue and spots that are marred from a cover or parts storing or something… More progress today!!! 😎

    I hope you know I was joking.  🙂

    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    Also… I haven’t seen a stitch of hardware…. New I assume… regular Hex head?? Please not Allen head!!! 8-(

    Mary says “Thank You” for given her car a good cleaning.    Just the regular hex head bolts….I don’t know why anyone would want Allen heads.. 🙄

    Please send the speedo out to Orange Empire.  Get me a list and I’ll start tracking stuff down.

    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    I hope we can keep some steady momentum on this project so it does not turn into a 6 year build….. 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 Franz was saying the other day… NO project should take more than 18 months… 😎 😎 😎 Other wise the hourly rate doubles… 😎

    I see your working on your jokes…

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