Home Forums KCW Current Projects Tom’s 23 Window Deluxe!!

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  • MikeK
    Post count: 507

    Awesome Bus.

    Well done!

    Post count: 26

    Cool to see the bus in person.  I made the drive out from Denver to the show.  Nice to hang out with Cole and Franz.

    The only thing this bus needs is a Blaze cut over the motor.  It’s the cheapest insurance addition.

    Post count: 1668

    Hell yeah!!! Stoked for you Tom!!! I’m so happy you are finally getting to enjoy your beautiful bus after 25+ years of trying to get it to where it is now!! That must be an amazing feeling!!! Super cool for this bus to win best in show at the Utah Classic too!! Super happy for everyone involved in the project!!

    I also saw in the comments on a Verve post on social that Tom drove his bus from Utah to Washington – 12 hours with zero problems! Now THAT is a great feeling!!!! And I LOVE when people really drive their buses – MOST people would have towed a bus like Tom’s home 😎 Hell Yeah Tom!!!! I bet your face hurts from smiling so much right about now 😁 Great work everyone!!!!!! 🤙🏻🤩🥳🥳

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Awesome ending to a great build!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

Viewing 4 posts - 871 through 874 (of 874 total)
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