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  • Paul Sexton
    Post count: 88

    <hr />

    Hey Pete,

    Would you please share with me the requisite steps necessary to insert a text from another participant?



    Paul Sexton
    Post count: 88

    <hr />

    Hey Pete,

    Would you please share with me the requisite steps necessary to insert a text from another participant i.e., “is that drywall mesh tape”?



    Post count: 478

    <hr /> Hey Pete, Would you please share with me the requisite steps necessary to insert a text from another participant i.e., “is that drywall mesh tape”? Thanks, Paul

    Not Pete but, up on the top right corner of the comment there in the black bar, there is a reply|quote option…click on the quote and you’re good to go.  😎

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Jdawg.
    Post count: 799

    This is why I tell everyone ,that having work at KCW ,shop rate is half price . You dont have to pay for education as they figured out how to fix things. They have already done it

    Paul Sexton
    Post count: 88

    Jdawg, Kleake… Thank you.

    Paul Sexton
    Post count: 88

    Is that drywall mesh tape? ?

    Looks like 1/4″ wire mesh screen. (Really need the head-banging-against-wall emoji)

    Yeah… My Dad found this SC in an Arkansas field. Any repair work has been done by his own hand… mine on occasion.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Got done blasting… well.. ran out of sand I should say…  Not getting better yet… I think the Drivers dog leg and drivers front floor are gonna have to go too….   I blasted a bit of the bed.. it has some holes in it…. pin holes, small holes…  man.. I dunno… Maybe I should cut the bed, and cut the whole treasure chest floor out and whole front floor and replace em all….. 🙄  🙄  🙄   Quite a few different materials on that bed.. it sucks balls blasting……  🙄  🙄  🙄   Damn.. thats a lot more work than we thought…..    The bottom of the nose has been cut off and filled in also…  the lower outer valance looks like hell too….  damnit…. 😕  😕  😕

    So much for quicky…

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I really have been trying to save all those floors for ya…    but it’s not looking good…

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Paul Sexton
    Post count: 88

    Hey man, it is what is it is!

    You’re the man JJ. I’m for whatever you recommend… some limits apply, but not $$ related…

    Post count: 478

    Is that drywall mesh tape? ?

    Looks like 1/4″ wire mesh screen. (Really need the head-banging-against-wall emoji)

    Yeah… My Dad found this SC in an Arkansas field. Any repair work has been done by his own hand… mine on occasion.

    For that reason alone I would ask JJ to keep a chunk of the “pops repair” to hang up in the garage as a memento…Maybe dumb to some but I think that kind of stuff is cool.

    Post count: 478

    “some limits apply, but not $$ related…”

    Blank check to KCW..Thats friggin awesome!!!

    Paul Sexton
    Post count: 88

    Well, WTF?… he’s 80. WTF indeed? I’m still in a bit of a quandary regarding color… All of the stock colors appeal to me, especially the green one. My Pop’s, on the other hand, abhors green. What’s a man to do? I am a fan of the Sealing Wax, but I also am quite enamored of the green velvety. I ask again, what’s a man to do?

    Paul Sexton
    Post count: 88

    Is that drywall mesh tape? ?

    Looks like 1/4″ wire mesh screen. (Really need the head-banging-against-wall emoji)

    Yeah… My Dad found this SC in an Arkansas field. Any repair work has been done by his own hand… mine on occasion.

    For that reason alone I would ask JJ to keep a chunk of the “pops repair” to hang up in the garage as a memento…Maybe dumb to some but I think that kind of stuff is cool.

    Agree wholeheartedly… Old man memorized… I like it… a lot

    Post count: 478

    I’m kinda partial to anthracite gray with oxide red interior. ?

    Post count: 1010

    paint it whatever color the 80 yo man wants!!!

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 608 total)
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