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  • brendanmoran1
    Post count: 11

    This is a stock American Camper not European with semaphores!  Please cut the holes for turn signals.

    Post count: 213

    This is a stock American Camper not European with semaphores! Please cut the holes for turn signals.

    You can’t get more American than ordering a VW camper from the Monkey Ward’s catalog!!

    Pat K
    Post count: 2933

    This is a stock American Camper not European with semaphores! Please cut the holes for turn signals.

    Wooooo! We got Brendan to post!!!

    Morning. Back to it.

    We will build it if it comes.

    Riley K
    Post count: 89

    Finished grinding welds on the nose today. Also ground all the welds on the cargo floor and front floor. 0C5B7627-9519-427D-91EE-6F34088EA267166C5263-DC6B-4CCD-BD0B-ABEAF6F248D0

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Damn that shit looks awesome!!!!    Pat and Riley… They make a great metal w0rking team… Getting it done!!!  😎 😎  Brendan, I got a couple weeks worth $$ yesterday.. Thank you!  When the rest gets catched up, we will continue if you wish..  😎 😎 😎   Your bus is looking spectacular!!!!  I really hope we can keep rolling on this rig!!!  I’d love to do the velvet green for ya and finish what we have started here.    Not being able to finish what we start is the most annoying part of project getting stopped prematurely. I think it’s human nature to want to finish what we start. 😎  We are like surgeons for your Volkswagen.  And Surgeons generally get to finish the surgery….  Not just drop the tools when the patient runs out of cash…. 😎  😎 😎  But I get it…. I really do….  I think it’s gotten sooo expensive to do this work, that it’s become a serious luxury to be able to own, much less do an entire restoration on an early Volkswagen..

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1072

    Kickin ass. Looking awesome. 100x as good as when it rolled into the dirty 2 months ago. She was russstttyyy if u ask me!!! I brought my friend by the shop and he said that bus is roached. I sent him a pic he was like damm in 2 months. That shit takes years at your local body shop. KCW killed it. Fuckin solid. Not a shop on this side of the planet that has all the resources that KCW brings to the table. 🤪

    Post count: 1025

    I can attest to the struggles of watching your project get stripped, realizing it’s rustier than imagined and trying to see it through to the end.
    It ain’t cheap but quality is top notch and you aren’t waiting for 4 years for it to get completed.
    Whip out that credit card, apply for a signature loan (like I did) to get it done. You won’t regret it.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    We just got out of ICU…8-) 😎  The wounds are still vulnerable to the elements of life.8-) 😎 😎

    I hope it can keep its stay in the dirty shop at least till it gets all sealed up!!!!




    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 11

    I’m really happy with the work guys!  I’ve just run out of money.  I have a kitchen remodel starting in a few weeks and the wife thought I was crazy for scheduling my bus project around the same time, but that is where my heart is.  She gets her kitchen finally and I want to go camping in my bus.  I want to finish this project, and if I had the funds I would continue, but maybe you wouldn’t mind having it stored for a bit and we can pick up where we left off?  I don’t know anyone who can put the top in and would very much like for you to do it.  After my remodel is completed, I can order the top and have it shipped to KCW so it’s there when we are ready to work on it again.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I’m glad your happy… It’s freakin awesome solid work!      Sounds like you have a kitchen remodel you need to get done first…. and I understand, I like being married too.. 😎 😎 😎     Sucks for the Bus, the project and the momentum..  Adds hours of time and storage or transportation issues and costs..  And as long as it is here, it is my liability and another project to work around…  Totally doable… totally… did it for ever!!!   😎 😎 😎  I know exactly how to make that work… it’s called hustle…. 😎

    Going forward I need to be more clear about the inconvenience it creates for a project, as a whole, when things are prematurely stopped.  It was different when I was in the hustle mode…. I am not in that mode anymore, and looking for opportunities to send  projects home…. Preferably logical stopping points of course… I’m not kicking anyone out in the street…. 😎 😎 😎




    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Scott Sain
    Post count: 392

    Maybe go back to 2004 prices for a few years? I’ll send some stuff if you do!

    VWs, food, music, and food
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    November 17-18, 2023

    Post count: 1072

    This fuckin bus is so BAD ASS. I love the dormobile top. I want to put one on my next project bus. A 65 riviera bus I am ironing out the deal soon so I will be saving my Penny’s for a dormy top. There is 2 camper crank vent cut in the roof so it a good excuse to cut that bitch😬😜. Brendan if u can see this one through till paint at kcw you won’t regret it. Just my2 cents.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Maybe go back to 2004 prices for a few years? I’ll send some stuff if you do!

    Right!!!   It was probably like $40 an hour back then… 😎  I ONLY had the dirty shop back then..!!!   But part of what is hard to get through is, I WANT to slow down, I want to clean the slate off, I want to start fresh with some fresh stuff… Excited ready to spend money customers..  N0t dragging them through it 😎  Estimate for each and every thing…

    I love this bus!! I want nothing more than to finish it and drive it and see it on shasta with us and camping all summer long…  All this bus needs to make that happen is a blank check… 😎  It’s at the perfect place to do it…  Perfect line up to finish it…  The stars are all aligned…!!  BUT… it ran out of money… and money sucks… and can ruin or MAKE anything…. 😎  I personally do not want this project to get to the point where I have to finish it, there’s no more money and pissed off parties…. 😎  Been there so many times….  so many… sooo many free weeks at the end of a $100K resto…  Know how you make up for a free week?  Work extra hard next week… 😎  so fun… 😎  But doable… sustainable for a long long time… till you get tired… 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1401

    Maybe go back to 2004 prices for a few years? I’ll send some stuff if you do!

    This kind of topic comes up between me and people who want me to build them R/C airplanes. When I quote them $20.00 an hour, they always catch their breath and say, why so much? I just shake my head most times. What? You want all my time for free? One of my favorites is this lawyer dude that’s always bragging on the money he’s making at his $1500.00 an hour rate, but to cheap to pay for my time.

    So Scott, My question for you. Do you still charge your 2004 rate for your band gigs? If you do, kudo’s to you. But I doubt you are.

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I think Scott was just messing with me…   2004 is probably when I did Scott’s first project with KCW.. 😎  I’m sure I would have them lined up at the door if I went back in time on billing… I’m not looking for more work guys and gals… 😎

    I think Scott retired from the GIG scene a few years back… 😎

    So I guess we need to get this project to the next logical stopping point so Brendan can focus on his kitchen project and put this one on moth balls.. 😎 😎   Brendan… is there room in your garage for your bus?

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 189 total)
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