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  • Zack
    Post count: 219

    Moved this thread over to Canadian Corner 😉 !

    Post count: 710

    Moved this thread over to Canadian Corner ? !


    NICE! You the man Zack!?

    Post count: 710

    Big ol day for the 56!! Getting shuffled up to front burner status all loaded on trailer ready to hit the JJJ’s compound ????it’s GO TIME????

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Thats awesome Josh!!!    The triple J’s!!!  You guys rock!!!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 710

    Haha thanks brotha….us after hours hackshows just trying to “keep up with the Jones’s” as they say haha



    She made er…..all tucked in next to jrods bus. remember the goat trail of a road you take to the shop JJ? Man that’s not a fun ride for a trailered vehicle strapped to a trailer with no suspension??

    gonna be a busy winter here…..time to hunker down and DO WORK! We gots some road trippin to do!

    Post count: 1072

    Getting ready forKelly park would be sweet to make it in my DD panel but prolly not. Was trying to talk to the wife into going on a vacation so I could swing by and check it?

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by 68tintop.
    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    It’s gonna be pretty wild.. pretty cool and a long time well waited to see all three of you rolling your busses!!!  That calls for a multi country gathering! 😉  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  😀

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 710

    Multi country gathering…..I like the sounds of that??? I’m trying not to put a deadline on this one? Kelly park would be rad to do again but I don’t think I can make that happen. The pace on Johnny’s barndoor build got a little stupid for some after hours cowboys like us…….we had that barndoor painted and assembled in 6 weeks once the metal was done? then off to California without 20 miles of road time haha


    im gonna rail on it as hard as I can….I’ve got every single part I need sitting here except some motor parts for the 2276.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I think about my canada trips all the time…  I had a great time, both times!!!!  The tripple J’s are awesome and their shop is like WOW!  I think the Pamper may need to make a run up there.. 😉

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 710

    Those were fun times fosho! You know you’re welcome ANYTIME bro!?

    im thinking about re naming this thread? Make it about all things JJJ’s? My brothers post less than Mr Peet? haha

    johnny bought a killer 58 single back in the summer that he been picking away on a bit…..build direction turns 180 on an hourly basis? he may need some guidance hahaha

    We been absolutley railing on Jrods kombi too?That rolled over chopped up left for dead bus is now all welded back together and solid. Last week she got yanked off the frame table for the first time since before we started hanging out! He just finished a walk through conversion, getting a swivel seat on pass side?

    Post count: 710



    Post count: 710

    So a little behind the posts here…belly of he beast got blasted before Xmas…been cutting and welding a bit here and there. I just had 10 days off work and had grand plans of getting major time on the bus but didn’t really materialize…..lots of family stuff?
















    Been melting shit together like a mofo…she’s getting less flop cock every session?



    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    🙂 🙂  🙂  🙂

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 5403

    Looking good. Whats up with that truck? New?

    Post count: 710

    Looking good. Whats up with that truck? New?

    we have a 53 kombi showing up to the shop tonight complete with opening hatch option 😎 gonna do a bit of metalwork on it for our friend Patrick Hall. should be fun!!

    the truck is a 58 Johnny picked up late in the summer….I think it is getting a stock height/36 runner combo, wheel wells, corner and batt tray then being sent off down road (that was the most current plan haha)


    so stoked on my bus! I need to order new control cable conduits so those don’t hold up cargo floor going in!

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