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  • ColeB
    Post count: 2632

    Thought I’d start a thread on this bus since I’ve been putting a little bit of work into it while Im away from KCW. So, some back story. My Dad let me drive this right when I turned 16. If I remember right I drove it about 6 months until the snow hit in Utah and then it wasn’t doing so well in the snow and it was viciously taken away from me 😉 😉  and my Dad swapped my uncle who is in California for another more snow worthy vehicle. But a couple months ago I was able to get it back from my uncle. Im psyched! Love this bus. Such a usable vehicle.

    Here it is coming back from California with my Dad’s Mango.

    Here is the motor right when it got back. A bit dirty and it wasn’t running very happy….

    It was pretty cool to research this Mplate. Its an early 59 built on Oct 22, 1958. It was delivered to San Fransisco, and it is actually a Single Cab that is m coded to be a double cab. I thought that was pretty cool.

    I replaced all the fuel lines, cleaned the carb, cleaned the engine in general, new belt, adjusted the points and valves and head torque….. oil change….etc…..

    The cool Fresh air vent cover that was originally on the bus.


    I also hooked up the heat, but heat would only come out of the small rear seat heater tube. So I thought it was clogged up.

    I was driving with Emilee a couple days ago and all of a sudden she started screaming and I looked down and found out my heater tube was clogged! hahaha she didn’t think it was funny when all I could talk about was how excited I was for heat and not worried about the rats nest at her feet….  😛  😆

    I have also been chasing a squealing coming out of my drivers front drum. I think it’s one of the springs, but I’ve adjusted it 2 times now and it comes back about a day after I adjust it… Ill have to get back into it this weekend.

    I also got new BFG All Terrains on it yesterday and I think it looks pretty good! I used it to haul some climbing holds around for delivery today!

    Stuff I need to work on next:

    Bed Slats

    hoops and canvas


    repaint the bumpers(they’re supposed to be silver white right?)

    Fix rusting out hinges on 2 of the drop gates

    Post count: 1142

    Very nice DC, Cole.  Please keep the updates coming.

    Post count: 799

    Nice bus Cole

    Post count: 175

    Awesome Bus!

    Post count: 1010

    Wow. You guys never cease to impress.

    Post count: 710

    I’d love to see a current lineup of the inventory?

    Post count: 8

    Super cool, and valuable, bus Cole!

    Post count: 2581

    beauty !

    Post count: 10

    Looks great! But please take that fuel filter out of the engine bay. Not that long ago a client of ours his bus went up in flames because the filter hit the coil and leaked.
    It’s all brand new, but still don’t risk it.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Thats a super sweet driver right there… 😀   With all the tall busses you guys have… I would be very tempted to lower it, 944 brakes and fuch’s… 😉   Around town delivery…

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 2632

    Forgot to post this earlier this week. After taking apart the drum another 40 times I was able to figure out the rubbing noise! Jason gave me a couple springs he had laying around that I believe are more OG and that did the trick! The ones that I had on it before had a weird termination point on the springs… drives awesome now! So well that my dad is wanting me to take it down to his house so he can drive it some ha!

    Post count: 2632

    Drove the DC to school today and an old friend came out of the heater tube…. yum  😯

    Post count: 2632

    Such a good morning of work! Picked up a big rock climbing hold order today from Salt Lake and drove it about an hour south to our warehouse. The DC did great! Kept 55-60 even with the big load and added wind resistance haha! The guy with the forklift was so confused when I pulled around to the dock with it… I had to talk him into loading it. He said “Its going in there?” and I said yes, it is a truck isn’t it? haha The last photo is a rear view of me passing a vanagon. Poor sucker got passed by my little 1600 motor going 60. I love USING Volkswagens!

    Post count: 3541

    That’s Awesome!!!!!!!! Love that you passed a Vansgon!! 😀  😀  😀

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Thats sooo cool that you use that truck!!!!!!!!!!  Living the life kid!!!! 😉

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

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