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  • hubcap
    Post count: 16

    Have a great weekend guys!

    Post count: 16

    Great work, going to be another seriously useable bus.

    Post count: 16
    in reply to: Fucking Bubba!!!! #11470

    Those road trip pictures are awesome!

    One day………

    Just got to figure out how not to be too old before that day comes!

    Post count: 16

    Nice work with the brackets, theres always a way in this ‘One size fits None’ world!

    Fiamma stuff is great, and i nearly fitted one on my bus, but in the end I went the opposite direction and fitted the repro-Westy tent to my bus.  I reckon it weights the same at least, takes 3 times as long to set up, the poles are always in the way and its no way water proof (yet)  On the plus side it looks good!

    Have a great day


    Post count: 16

    Mark It was cool to see you and Jack the other day cruising in the bug, I’m super stoked for you to be able to make this trip, it will be an absolute Blast!

    JJ and Gretchen are the King and Queen of hospitality! and the trips you have got lined up are going to be awesome life time memory makers.

    You are going to love it!

    looking forward to all the photo’s, wish I was in on it!

    Post count: 16

    All the little things that add up to a big difference, great that you have it running and driving.

    Nice work

    Post count: 16

    Thanks for posting the pictures, looks like you guys had a great weekend.

    Post count: 16

    Have a great weekend, sure wish I could be there, I won’t even bother to post a picture of our grey sky with the rain going sideways in the wind!

    Post count: 16
    in reply to: Ultimate Vanagon #10924

    Electric spaghetti?

    great progress to be done with the dry assembly.

    Post count: 16

    Still repping in the U.K.  my wife wearing her hoodie from my trip over in 2013, this gear is indestructible, my kids wear my stuff now, probably time to order some new kit, but to be honest I seldom leave my workshop to be taking exotic pictures  F3F69F4A-E61F-49FA-82BC-A69492AF2D1A




    Post count: 16
    in reply to: New Website #10885

    Thanks Zack

    You’re a legend!

    Nice one, have a great day

    Post count: 16
    in reply to: New Website #10879

    Hey Zack, I typed this yesterday and then couldn’t post it, looks like you fixed most of it already, great work.

    thanks for the reply, for now please could you use the pic I posted above, I can find a better one later, also noticed that the log in/register doesn’t seem to work on my iPad to allow me to comment, also the header photo is just white.

    One last thing has the photo button disappeared from the comments box? I was just posting in Franz thread and was going to add a picture from my phone, but the button I used yesterday is gone.

    Keep up the good work, I wouldn’t know where to begin.

    Post count: 16

    DDB5401B-3B02-45B5-8DA5-664288D1FA80Fiamma is great kit, I’ve been fitting it for years, and now I have my own place we are one of their agents. Here’s the van I’ve just finished for a customer, full house really, roof bars, awning, ladder and bike rack!  it’ll be interesting to see how you are mounting it. Did you buy a bracket kit to modify or are you going to fab something up? I’m sure time will tell. Keep on it.

    Post count: 16
    in reply to: New Website #10820

    Hi, I was at Volksworld Show yesterday and have started getting my VWmojo back,  finally had some time to check out the new site properly today, great work.  Been having a quick look but can’t find out how to upload a profile picture, any help gratefully received. Thanks


    amongst many cool rides, I would have happily driven in, it still makes me smile most to drive my bus.IMG_0073




    Post count: 16
    in reply to: JJ's projects #10817

    Nice one John, I’m more than sure you deserve some holiday back pay!

    Glad you are getting time to enjoy what you have worked for…

    Really hope the rehab is swift

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)