Home Forums Bullshit Willy’s Syncro Doka Jagdwagen

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  • ColeB
    Post count: 2632

    That thing spits out a lot of black smoke! And it’s quick. Our drag race of the vanagons the other night downtown was awesome!

    Post count: 1401

    I saw a diesel truck the other day with the words Prius Repellent over the exhaust. Thought it was hilarious. You guys should do this to.

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    Post count: 2632

    Franz and I were talking about stickers to put on these diesel Vanagons about like “clean living” or something funny like that. It’ll be good for me with the hippies that climb and all drive their Subarus. Maybe the sticker should say “Im a clean Subaru too” haha then you’ll see a big ass white cloud of smoke when I start up. Brapppp

    Post count: 1913
    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    sell the jagd wagen now that you have a road worthy bus!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 62

    sell the jagd wagen now that you have a road worthy bus!


    I could be interested if for sale… prichardsonvw@gmail.com

    Pat K
    Post count: 2933

    This is basically what it looks like when I drive the Doka around. Same driving style too, just more dodging of priuses 😜

    That Tatra is Badass!!!!!!  You do make all the dieseldudes out there jelly when you roll coal in the Dok.

    We will build it if it comes.

    Post count: 1913

    Haha I’m not ready to sell this thing! The split won’t make a good commuter for me, but then again neither does this… Oh well!

    I’m getting some major rack-envy from this one… May have to try and replicate it someday.


    Post count: 526

    Oh ….you mean the rack on the Doka !!

    Test Pilot @ Submarine Airways

    Post count: 1401

    Oh ….you mean the rack on the Doka !!

    My thoughts too! 🙂

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    Post count: 1913

    Just filling the home page with late model junk 😎

    P.S. tried using this as a commuter for a week, its okay. Not ideal. Brainstorming solutions.

    Post count: 5403

    Braaaaapp black smoke everywhere?


    Yes, please don’t bring these vanagon threads up….I don’t even like the look of the word anymore. 🙂

    Post count: 1913

    Had a super fun weekend out in Anza Borrego with the doka this weekend, its California biggest state park and is still in San Diego county, less than 100 miles from my driveway but feels like you’re waaayyy out. We barely saw any other people the whole weekend.




    Lots of cool stuff to do too. The world’s largest mud cave system is there and some cool slot canyons and such.




    Saturday night was probably one of the most tense moments I’ve ever had in a car. We were dumb and driving around in the dark following this trail looking for a secret camping spot and came to the top of this thing called “Devils Dropoff” or something like that, drove right past the sign and didn’t think anything of it. We got to the top of this super steep hill got out, I walked down it a bit, noticed it had a few “dips”, came back up and was like “yeah, we got this”. Started down the hill and put the nose into the first dip, which turns out is basically the size of the entire bus.

    We drop way down into the hole, pitch the back tires way up into the air and is wheel standing so high Maddie’s friend Gianni could stand under the tire. In addition to all of this we were on the side of a pretty steep drop off that was all loose sand. 😬 We basically just took it slow, let the weight transfer slowly when it rolled, and had Gianni hang on the bumper to keep it from pitching too far… Only took us a little over an hour and a half to get down the first drop off.

    It was pretty exciting, but I also felt like I was gonna throw up the whole time. Too dark and tense to take pictures, and I didn’t want any photo evidence if I did roll it over…. It looked like this pretty much the whole time… but at night… with no cell service… on a hill…. (dumbass 🙃)

    Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 2.39.34 PM

    When we got drove down the trail and came up to the next drop off we just decided to call it a night and find a cool spot to camp around there (At about 10:00pm) 😛Woke up in a pretty cool spot though.


    The lower section turned out to be much less scary than the first, so we were comfortable forgoing the spotter in favor of a photographer


    Some evidence of how far down the nose was in the dirt:


    I think most of the stuff we did would have been accessible by my westy too, just probably not the “short cuts” we took looking for this campsite we didn’t end up finding. Super cool area to check out though and I’d recommend it to anyone coming through this way. Maybe just check the trail map first 😉


    Post count: 5403

    Showing off for the ladies.

    Is that close to Mexico?

    Post count: 3541

    Thinking the same thing Franz!!

    ”Uh Yeah, that’s a pretty easy one for me”   Will says in a calm voice 🙂

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