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  • John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Was there extra traffic maybe.. I noticed it too

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 219

    Ive been watching the site up and down time with a little script for a couple of months now. The previous couple weeks have been the best the server has seen in terms of consistent up time. Recently, even prior to the video upload feature i noticed more downtime, i’m guessing it has partially to do with people sitting at their office jobs more and being bored out of their minds. The addition of the video upload has for sure made the server come offline more often too.

    I changed some configuration I should have changed before this website even went live today and i actually think the site is loading faster. I chose to not let the software running the website hit the server so hard all time and instead keep a minimum amount of resource usage in order to keep the resources available all the time. It seems counter intuitive to restrict in order to keep performance up but it seems to be working.

    Thanks for always being on top of the server being up, I did not plan for it to crash so often… It just kinda happened that way. I have plans for the future to remedy this.

    Gretchen Jones
    Post count: 1416

    I’m enjoying the test videos!!! Keep ‘em coming in the threads too??????

    I love going on adventures in our bus!!!

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Thanks zack… you rock!  Hope school is going well!!!  I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am that you are doing all this for me…

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Hey zack I have a request…  when I post on a thread and it takes me to the end of that thread and I am looking at my post…  my next move is to go back to the home page…  but on this phone, I have to scroll up to get back to the home page button..  annoying on long pages… can you add a home page button on the bottom right for me?? So I can read my post and maybe scroll down to a large button on the bottom that’s easy to push on this cell phone!! Thanks!!!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 219

    I enabled an option for our theme which adds a button to the bottom of the screen on mobile which takes you to the top of the page just like the desktop version. I could just make the header stick to the top like it does on desktop but that really closes up the screen space with useless clutter!

    Next time you go to navigate to the top of the page click the dark gray button in the bottom right!

    Post count: 598

    Hell yeah,  it works perfect!!! This site just keeps getting better and better,  great job Zack!!!

    “Life is a waterfall,
    We’re one in the river and one again after the fall”

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Thanks zack

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Gretchen Jones
    Post count: 1416

    Thanks Zack!  They also makes it easier to go and log in… a lot of times I read a thread and then decide i actually do want to post, but as john described I have to go “all the way back to the top”……so that helped that for me!  Great work Zack! thanks

    I love going on adventures in our bus!!!

    Post count: 979

    I always tap the top of the screen where the time is displayed once, then again after that and it zips me to the top of the screen.

    Basically double tap the top we’re the time is displayed (iPhone)

    Post count: 234

    I see that the thread page count is at the bottom of each page. Sometimes I’ll want to skip through pages looking for a specific post on a page. I have to scroll to the bottom of the page to get to the page count buttons. Would it be a pain to also add the page count to the top of each page as well as the bottom?

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Zack… How about adding a project to the gallery?  This single cab I am working on… does not have a folder…  we have just been uploading to the forums the whole project…     soon… I’m gonna want to get all those pics off my computer and loaded into a gallery….  we used to link to the gallery on the old site…..  are we doing double uploads this way?  taking twice as much space?

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 219

    Justin – I went ahead and added the navigation to the top of the page on replies to topics, took me ahwile to find the right code to add that!


    Dad – Im gonna make that my project for this week, I dont think we will run into any storage issues anytime soon. Since the site was put up (~6 months ago) we have only used 8GB of space on top of what we started with (125GB). This leaves us with nearly 300GB of space to use up! Eventually I would like to figure out how i can just grab all of the uploads anybody who works at the shop uploads to a thread and then link each picture to the gallery automatically. That will be a very involved proccess.

    As for the gallery uploads, I will make it so you (and any other administrators) can:

    • create a new project folder anywhere in the gallery
    • Upload as many images as you want to a project folder all at once with simple drag and drop.
    • Delete images from the gallery.
      • I will not allow deletion of folders because the entire gallery could be deleted in one click that way.


    For everyone – I urge you to start using the new image upload feature, i have not seen any images that use it yet! I promise it is better and I will fix issues that are reported. Keep in mind you can use it weather or not you are on a computer by tapping the box instead of dragging media into it. To use it just click the second image icon on the reply toolbar and drag your media into the box or select it from your file system by tapping the box.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    sounds good.. thanks in advance! 😉

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I just did one of those multiple uploads and they were not in order, numerically, and didn’t work one time, and I didn’t get to pick the pictures one ontop of the other… seems easier for me to do it one at a time…..   maybe cause it’s a PC??

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

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