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  • Zack
    Post count: 219

    I thought it was time to create a website updates thread to keep big updates documented.


    Todays big update is a different media upload system for the website. This new media upload system should make it easier for everyone to upload on their phones, and it definitely simpler. You can access the new media uploader by clicking the second image button on the edit bar when posting.

    There are a couple of large improvements that come with this new system:

    • No more finicky box that you have to move around on your phone to upload on mobile.
    • Drag and drop upload
      • Select the file(s) you wish to upload and drag them into the upload box.
    • Upload multiple files at once.
    • Upload video media
      • This can be VERY slow.
      • Semi large files ( > 150MB) may not even upload if they take too long.
      • Also depends on your connectivity to the internet.

    If you plan on uploading video i recommend keeping it at 720p. If you choose to record at 1080p or higher for more than about 20 seconds I can’t promise your video will be uploaded.

    I will be leaving the current media upload button (first image button) on the bar for a week in the case my system fails to work out for some people or everyone.

    This system is far from perfect, but it is significantly better (functionality wise) than the original in my opinion. I hope everyone enjoys this new system!

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    That was easy!  Now I gotta try a video

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    So… If I want to try and upload some video…  I need to turn the resolution down so I can put something up longer than 20 sec’s? I need to figure that out

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I tried doing multipe uploads,  like I used to do one at a time, with the new button… No luck… I wouldn’t get rid of the old button just yet… Probably a computer problem, not a cell phone problem… I’ll know soon. 😉   My mac’s about 10 years old now.. 😉

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 219

    Video upload was broken, it had to do with the server restarting at its prescribed 8:02AM and subsequently resetting some configuration i set temporarily. I have made the configuration changes permanent and video upload is back up!

    The resolution and length of the video does not necessarily matter, but both of them directly effect the size of the file.

    File size is the only detail we care about here, so if your file is too large you will have issues uploading it. As long as your video’s size is less than 1GB and you can upload the video within 2 minutes your video is fine. If you wait two minutes and you see the “Media took too long to upload, upload canceled.” status message then you were unable to upload the video within the two minute allotted time out. Another aspect of media upload with this system is conversion. HTML videos will only play mp4 files, included in the two minutes is the time it takes my script to convert the file to mp4 (if it isn’t already). In reality a 1GB movie will never be uploaded because the internet capability of our devices is too slow. The biggest I have tried without failure was 100MB (180×240 resolution, 24 minutes long), keep in mind the internet in my apartment is really fantastic. I would recommend, at least for now, to record video at 720p OR LOWER.


    As for the multi file upload issues I have some questions for you:

    1. What were/are the file types of the files you are attempting to upload?
      • I only accept:
        • jpg
        • jpeg
        • pjpeg
        • png
        • gif
        • avi
        • mov
        • mp4
      • If you were trying to upload another type of file let me know and i’ll add it to my list of allowed file types.
    2. How big were the files?
    3. Did you wait for the status message “All Uploads Complete!”?
      • As long as the status message at the bottom says “Upload In Progress…” uploading is still happening, AKA the server has not told you that it is done yet.
    4. Did you see any status message other than “Upload In Progress…” or “All Uploads Complete!”?
      • There are a couple of states I setup for this system:
        • Upload in Progress
          • We have not heard back from the server about the status of our upload, so we are waiting.
        • Upload complete
          • The server finished uploading our file and gave us the link to the file we uploaded.
        • Invalid File
          • The file was larger than my configurations allow or it was not one of the supported types.
        •  File Error
          • PHP Detected an error in the file itself.
          • I leave a message telling the uploader to talk to me


    Next time you upload something and it doesn’t work post up information about your upload here and ill fix it.

    Try to include the following information in your post:


    • File type
      • Avi
      • Mp4
      • Mov
      • Anything after the last dot in a file name
    • File name
      • Sometimes files may be uploaded to the server but not converted, it is helpful to know the name of the file you uploaded so i can check that.
    • File size
      • Let me know how big the file is in KB or MB or GB.
        • On windows: Right click the file –> properties
        • On Mac click the file so it is selected and hit Command + I to show the info dialog.
        • Mobile varies too much to be sure. If you know how to do check it it will be very helpful.
    • How many files you tried uploading
      • This is less important because each file is uploaded separately, but could help point to a problem.
    • Method of upload
      • Drag and drop one file
      • Drag and drop multiple files
      • Clicked on box and selected file to upload


    I tried every combination of uploading and couldn’t get an error, so my best guess it something i’m over looking since I built it or your file was of an incorrect type. Ill add the file type to my allowed list if you tell me what it is!

    Post count: 1142


    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Zack. Reason: Removed parameters from markup to make sure the video doesn't display super small, also edited markup so it is not displayed as text
    Post count: 219

    For whatever reason my code pasted the video into the text area improperly, not sure why at the moment.

    Until i figure out a dynamic way to resolve this error ill tell you guys how to adjust the HTML markup show under the text tab on this editor to make sure it displays properly.


    This is the code my script will sometimes spit out (I.E. This is bad output):
    <video class="multimedia-upload mu-video" src="https://kustomcoachwerks.com/wp-content/uploads/year/month/video.mp4" controls="controls" width="300" height="150"></video>

    You can see this code if you click “Text” on the upper right hand side of your text editor.

    To fix problems where the video does not show up and instead only shows the raw code, replace instances of: “&lt;” with “<“.

    To fix problems relating to the video being very small or very large, remove the width and height attributes within the code. So, remove width="xxx" and height="xxx" from the code.

    Lastly, if you do not see controls on the video player, add the word controls after the url to the video.


    <video src="https://kustomcoachwerks.com/wp-content/uploads/year/month/video.mp4" controls></video>

    If you see controls="controls" then remove the ="controls" part.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Zack.
    Post count: 1142

    Thanks Zack….this site just keeps getting better.  Nice work!

    Post count: 219

    I appreciate the kind words Pete!

    I’ll be lurking around the forms checking on the various videos being uploaded until I figure this stuff out.

    Post count: 343

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Glennmoss. Reason: When the video is first uploaded all the code looks correct except for the controls="controls" but then after it's uploaded it comes up < and >
    Post count: 219

    I think I fixed it. The script may take a couple of hours to update in your cache though.

    For those curious:
    I was adding videos using the following code prior:
    <video src="link" controls></video>
    But this format is bad, as it doesnt take advantage of the <source/> element that can go between the <video></video> element tags.
    Now i am adding videos like this:
    <video controls><source src="link"/></video>

    Don’t worry about the width and height attributes anymore, those are actually helpful so you can edit the size of the video.

    Post count: 1025

    Good work Zack

    Post count: 710

    How do u drag images on an iPhone??

    Post count: 219


    Sadly drag and drop is not possible on mobile, the big plus for mobile is that the menu is in the right place on screen instead of being off screen. To upload on mobile just tap the box where you would usually drag media on desktop (you can click the box if you are on desktop as well).

    Post count: 5403

    I noticed the website crashed a few more times than normal yesterday. Maybe because of the videos?

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