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  • Franz
    Post count: 5403

    BD safari shafts popped up on samba again. More expensive than the windows.


    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    We made it back intact late Sunday afternoon.  Bus is unloaded and I’ve managed to take a few trips around the neighborhood.  Bus runs great and I couldn’t be happier.

    I want to thank John and Gretchen for opening up their home to Mary and I.  We had a fun time hangout at the house/shop, the morning Baja run, which was one of the highlights of the trip and our quick trip to see Ron.  I want to say thanks again to Franz and Pat for all the hard work that you two put in to this project.   It was also nice to see some old faces and meet some new ones.  Eric M., Daro and Jesse.   Mary and I can’t wait to get back out see everyone again later this summer.

    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    I’d like to see a pic of this rig in the Texas sun!!!!!! Kelly mentioned starting to bring out his damaged cars at the end of August.. one at a time.. First one. the Black Vert.. Then the 15 window… 😎

    I’ll be sure and post some pictures up of the BD.  Mary is already planning the trip back out there to bring the Vert in August.

    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    Congrats, Kelly & Mary! Nice BD you guys have there!


    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    Amazing barndoor 👏👏👏 Congrat Mary & Kelly 🍻


    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    BD safari shafts popped up on samba again. More expensive than the windows. https://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/detail.php?id=2060184

    I saw those last night.  Funny how you were just telling me that those shafts sometimes show up on Samba.

    Lone Star
    Post count: 250
    Post count: 710


    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    IMG_2181Mary and I took her out today for a spin, even though it was 100.  We ended up at the shores of White Rock Lake.

    Post count: 605

    Badass. I see you still have the other bus. Been along time since I’ve seen that one.


    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    IMG_2181Mary and I took her out today for a spin, even though it was 100. We ended up at the shores of White Rock Lake.


    awesome…… 😎  Good to hear your loving it… 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

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