Home Forums Camping & Show Stuff Utah 300! 2022 (Utah West Desert Run)

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  • ColeB
    Post count: 2632

    Alright everyone. I hope you’ve had enough time to unpack after Moab! Now it’s time to repack for the Utah 300! The trip will be from the night of 5/19 or morning of 5/20 to 5/22.

    I will be leaving camp at 9 am on Friday the 20th. So do what you need to do to get there by then. Either come camp with me one extra night on Thursday night or show up early Friday morning and join the caravan! I am doing the camping option Thursday night so people from out of town(CO, NM, ID, etc.) have a place to meet that need to come early to make the starting time.

    Camp Thursday night will be at the Utah Rampage spot;) SST Vets will recognize the name. Down broad canyon rd. South of 5 Mile pass and Fairfield. I would recommend getting to five mile pass and then heading south. It’s prettier than driving by the dump in Fairfield.

    (40.0509380, -112.1531890)

    There are a few spots along Broad Canyon road. I am hoping the big flat grassy spot that is at those coordinates will be vacant since it will be a Thursday night. But if I’m not there. Look around. I’ll be close by and will make myself visible.

    Check the post below for more info. Like I said, I hope we get lost. So please bring extra fuel, tools, parts, water, food, etc. Please try to be self sufficient. The group will always wait and help, but I don’t want to lay under your car as much as you don’t want to lay under mine😁 XOXo.

    It should be a fun route again this year. Quite a bit faster than the Moab caravan. But I’ll try to keep us together as much as possible😁

    Hope to see a lot of you soon!

    Utah 300. May 20th-22nd. West Desert dirt run. I am thinking of meeting early Friday morning in Utah County or maybe having a camp spot on the west side of Utah Lake picked out for Thursday night so people coming from further away can roll in and have a place to sleep before the start. Or maybe a mix of both. I have a route in mind. But it is all subject to change depending on weather, what vehicles come, if camp spots are taken, my mood, etc 😁. But, plan on 3 days of dirt roads, desolate places, fun, and some unknown. General plan is to head a bit south and a bit west…. Haha Last time we stopped into Delta and at the Border Inn on Hwy 50 for gas. Not much else out there. So extra gas is needed. Besides that I plan to be around hwy 50 looking at cool places. Maybe head up toward Dugway in search of aliens…. We will see. Please come prepared. Extra gas, tools, spare parts, spare tire, camping stuff, food, water, garbage bags, Etc. Etc. Be a good Eagle Scout and BE PREPARED. I HOPE we get lost. So be prepared for that too😁 More info to come. But I wanted to get the dates out there. Here are some pics from the last one. Before the Covid times. It was a very good time. *No trailers allowed*😎 https://www.facebook.com/groups/167995140457698/permalink/1004859593437911/



    Post count: 1668

    Oooooo yeah!!! I’ll be there!!! Can’t wait!!!

    I didn’t realize that hot spring spot was from this trip! I remember Corporate sending me that pic and asking her if they went on a tropical vacation!! 😍


    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    Post count: 2632

    Just a warm spring. But it’s nice in spring. And the swim back into the cave is crazy! Bring a light to swim back there

    Pat K
    Post count: 2933

    This sounds fun.

    Who’s rolling out form GJ? Franz, Dan, Jesse?

    Hopefully Rusty and Bubba will make it? Maybe we can out number the Utah boys…🤞🤞

    We will build it if it comes.

    Post count: 2632

    Wayne and Rodney are in. Derek too. Maybe badger. Might be a smaller group. But that’s not a bad thing. We can go faster

    Post count: 1668

    Might be a smaller group. But that’s not a bad thing. We can go faster

    😏🏁😎 4:20 starts on this trip too??

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Might be a smaller group. But that’s not a bad thing. We can go faster

    😏🏁😎 4:20 starts on this trip too??

      I think that is a great idea!!!  😎

    I wish I was going…  but I am happy to say I am going someone where better… 😎 #nextyear

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 2632

    420 shotgun start one of the days? Hahahah


    your trip will be great JJ! Always more camping trips

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    420 shotgun start one of the days? Hahahah your trip will be great JJ! Always more camping trips

    The Utah Shasta? 😎  I hope you guys go back by Granby warm springs.. 😎  That was a cool ass spot!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 2632

    Not quite… I don’t think this group would keep up. More sightseeing this trip too. Not just a big whirlwind. Should be fun. Warm springs are high on the list again!

    And the 90mph race to the border in for gas;) hahaha 🤣 I think you went through a head after the last trip? Probably trying to race wayner on hwy50

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Not quite… I don’t think this group would keep up. More sightseeing this trip too. Not just a big whirlwind. Should be fun. Warm springs are high on the list again! And the 90mph race to the border in for gas;) hahaha 🤣 I think you went through a head after the last trip? Probably trying to race wayner on hwy50

    Yeah…. Your right!!  I think that big hammer swinging event cost me a top end rebuild!!!!!!!   but hell, that was was a whole nother motor ago, and TWO tranny’s ago!!!  Yup, your shit might break!! You might get a flat or two!!!   But I assure you, it will all be fine… and you will have soo much fun!!!!!  Trips like this are always epic!!! Even if some #nextyear guy is driving his truck of the year… 😎 😎 😎

    I wish I were going..  and I am usually able to drag a few people with me…   I know Audrey s still going!!!  She is stoked!!  I have been trying to talk her into going early to check out the warehouse!!!!  😎

    Have fun!! Be safe!!!!  But still have fun!!! Don’t be tooo safe, but you now, be safe enough….. 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1913

    Haha I bet a Utah Shasta would be interesting, much higher stakes!


    This sounds like a super fun event, Cole. I’d love to see some of your secret camp spots in this trip. Bummed I can’t go, I’ll be in Flagstaff for Overland Expo tomorrow through Monday 🙁


    Post count: 1668

    Bummed I can’t go


    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    Post count: 2632

    I feel like I’ve been pretty good about being safe… but still having fun. But you gotta push the line to find it I suppose… so maybe I haven’t done a good enough job yet… I know the Gemini jump was over the line… never again. Still gives me the heebie-jeebies… 🫠 other than that I’ve done good. 😁


    this trip should be fun! I’m thinking I’ll leave Pleasant grove/Lehi/American Fork area around 6pm Thursday evening to head out to the first camp spot. Should only take a little over an hour from the warehouse/surrounding area. There was talk of grabbing in n out and then heading out at 6. But we will see what happens.

    Audrey/anyone is welcome to the warehouse anytime! I should be around the warehouse working all of Thursday until I head out.

    Post count: 2632

    Bummed I can’t go





    I’ll miss you Will 🥲

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