Home Forums Bullshit Scott's collection of oddball crap and current projects

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  • Vwfool
    Post count: 1025

    So I get a phone call from KCW on my caller ID.  Much to my surprise it is John checking in on me.  He had noticed I was more or less not on here since the web site rebuild.  All is good just been working a lot, had the in-laws in town for a solid month 🙄 and general life crap getting in the way.  So I finally uploaded an avatar and decided I would start a thread for all the dumb crap I drag home and bad ideas I have.

    Many of you that have been on here for years know I have 3 serious problems.  Goofy hack jobs, the inability to keep anything for a length of time, and getting anything I own up to driving status (I usually get bored with it and sell it to fund the next dumb idea).  I bought the double ’67 walk thru Westy pop top hack you see above shortly after moving to Oregon 3 years ago.  I still own it due to no one on samba dropping enough acid to make this look like a good idea.  So to commit to keeping it I struck a deal with Andy to put a Subara conversion in it.  So now it sits in Modesto waiting for its turn to have its soul replaced.  Once that is accomplished I hope to start on the metal work or pay to have someone do it since my skills are shit.

    So there is my first lengthy post.  Hopefully I uploaded the pictures correctly.

    Stay tuned, I have more goofy shit to post, I just want to see if this works.

    Post count: 3541

    I need to start a thread exactly like this! 😀  😀  😀  😀

    Post count: 799

    I love the short bus. One extreme to the other.

    Post count: 710

    His and hers!



    This pimp whip is up for grabs on the samba right now? I like these freaks too?

    Post count: 19

    That long panel looks like a sack of potatoes!

    Post count: 979

    Freaky ass shit!

    Post count: 1025

    I made an offer on it the first day it was up for sale. They declined. I still want it but lacking a title for a freak bus scares alot of people away.

    Maybe they will reconsider.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    HAHAHAAHA…  Scott.. Glad you got in here… Thanks dude!  and I think about ALL of you guys out there..   If I don’t hear much outta ya.. I wonder whats up… and I am sure the same goes for me… 😉


    I like that Hack up there too…. SHHHHHHHH   I also like that Mango one I see at BBB every year!   But I don’t think a VW power plant of any size is going to last in a heavy bitch like one of those….   This subi idea is pretty good here….


    DAMNIT SCOTT!!!!  You gotta finish this POS and go camping with us!! Hey,.,, Andy!!! Get this shit done for BBB 2018!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 979

    Scott!!! You read that? BBB2018?? I’d be down for that, driving this big bitch there would be wild!! Start ordering the metal!!!

    Post count: 1025

    Andy, let me know what you need for the engine area, around deck lid etc. I know we talked about you doing the battery tray etc while the vw motor was out and maybe doing anything else in the engine area so once the Subaru is in, it’s, good.  It’s just the rest of the bus that needs love.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Get on it boys.. Maybe you too homo’s should ride together in this big bitch. 😉

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1401

    Get on it boys.. Maybe you too homo’s should ride together in this big bitch. ?

    I think there’s enough room in this bus to declare “non-homo” status. 😆

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    Post count: 979

    Hahahaha!!! The homo hauler!

    i know I can make it run and drive/stop before then. It needs a fuck lot of metal work, just depends on how much metal he has for it.  It’s up to Scott dog!

    Post count: 979

    I’ll get some fresh pictures of the wiener mobile in the morning. Spent the day on the road today working on broken tractors.

    Post count: 1025

    I have a lot of metal for it but it is here in Oregon.   I don’t think BBB will happen due to the lack of funds and my lack of available time off.  I know Andy could easily make it happen, I just don’t have the coin to pay for it.  I still need to buy about $2500 worth of metal to have all that I need.  Also, all the rust free doors I have are here too.  I am going to try and get my double door going.  Perhaps that one could get me to BBB, maybe.  UFO motor, what could possibly go wrong?


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