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  • Jdawg
    Post count: 478

    So Red and I have been building this at work for the last year and a half…Of course its one of many projects we have going on so its not an everyday all day process but a lot of time and work none the less. JJ you should like it…its a big ass Cub with a Big ass motor on the front. Its a 60% scale super cub with a SPT-15 Turbo prop engine…and yes its an actual jet engine that runs on Jet-A  😎 its still in the final stages of assembly but the plan is for maiden flight mid November. We had our first run-up of the engine yesterday….FUCKIN AWESOME! I got a short video…I need to figure out how to post it. Anyway…here are a couple pics of the “MicroCub” as we’ve nicknamed it.

    Post count: 527

    That cub is Freaking awesome! I took my son to a local RC Airstrip and he loved it. They are a lot of fun to watch!

    Post count: 1072

    That’s freaking cool shit. Ya let’s see that video

    Post count: 799

    That cub is sick. You should build a full size turbo cub

    Post count: 1401

    Is that the “Hempel” 1/2 scale cub?

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    THAT IS UNFUCKIN REAL…. WOW…….  Now I will have RC on my brain all day…..  I am trying sooo hard to stay away from the hobby shop….. I’m scared my productivity is going to suffer around the dirty shop…. 😳  😳  😳  😳


    Justin.. wow… I am tempted to drive out and witness this maiden voyage!!!!!  😀  😀  😀  😀

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    That looks like a kid could fucking ride in it… 😉

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 478

    Is that the “Hempel” 1/2 scale cub?

    Its a Hempel 60% cub with a bunch of mods. We ordered it in our scheme to match the rest of the aircraft in our fleet. It initially had a standard  motorbox for a normal 2 stroke motor but we cut that off and had the design dept come up with a tubular mount for the turbo prop.

    Post count: 478

    That looks like a kid could fucking ride in it… ?

    yeah its pretty damn big…we had one of the engineers bring his baby in and we set her in the cockpit area for a pic, it was pretty funny.

    Post count: 478

    here is the video of the initial run. just idling…the video makes it look like the prop is barely moving but its about 500-600 rpm.

    Post count: 1401

    Pretty “badass”! Going to fly good.

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I’m pretty sure this RC thread broke my internet yesterday!  😉  😉  😉   Good job Justin!   There is a commonality between vw’s and rc’s and guys who wear Vans…. 😉

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 14

    Did someone say Van’s?

    Post count: 478

    I’m pretty sure this RC thread broke my internet yesterday! ? ? ? Good job Justin! There is a commonality between vw’s and rc’s and guys who wear Vans…. ?

    haha hell yeah!!! Vans are the shit!

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Jdawg.
    Post count: 478

    So as Red posted….yeah we have vans with NASA on em! Those are part of our “flight day” attire! ?

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