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  • Pete
    Post count: 1142

    Mechanical?  Started so strong.

    Post count: 1142

    So I watched with no volume…I was messaged the John got rolled???!!!???  I hope that’s not the case….if so hope they’re all right.

    Post count: 1142

    Ugh….I just replayed it, saw the drone flyby of the 2nd to last lap.  Hope everyone is ok.

    Gretchen Jones
    Post count: 1416

    They are OK, but the car is pretty messed up…. They rolled twice, but “hard” per Audrey🤦‍♀️☹️☹️☹️☹️

    the beginning was super fun to watch!!!!

    oooohhhhh racing…….

    I love going on adventures in our bus!!!

    Post count: 1142

    2C1C92AB-EFC2-42B5-B1AB-697C8373FD66Glad they’re ok!

    Post count: 3541

    ^^^Yup, glad they’re Ok!!!!^^^ Seeing your friends sitting in a rolled car still sitting on its side is a bit worrisome!!!😳😳😳😳😳😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

    Post count: 361

    Watched the race today and you guys were killing it, seems like 2nd or 3rd place for a while. Bummer you rolled, glad to hear you guys are okay. Hopefully the car isn’t  too bad, at least it with the right team to get it fixed. Hope it was a fun weekend overall. Sounds  like the pros had a fun time racing the bugs.

    Post count: 57

    It was exciting to watch the Jones team lead off the start! You guys were doing great. So glad that you guys are okay after that roll. I know Ricky Bobby says that, “rubbing is racing” but no one wants to go out that way. Hope you guys had a great weekend in Crandon!

    Post count: 2581

    Holy shit.

    glad youre all ok !

    Post count: 1036

    2C1C92AB-EFC2-42B5-B1AB-697C8373FD662C1C92AB-EFC2-42B5-B1AB-697C8373FD66Glad they’re ok!

    th (7)

    Exactly why cages are done properly !  Happens to most racers at some point in time. Glad you are  OK.

    Baja Mark
    Post count: 448

    Sorry to see you guys rolled – looks like a hard roll too looking at the car 😣 Glad everyone is ok. If JJ had the skills to fix the roof on the BD 23 window then this can be fixed 🙂

    Post count: 1913

    Yeah you guys had an awesome start! Led the pack for a bit there! Looked like an intense battle with Machete Racing too. Glad you’re both okay. I can’t believe the drivers door split the roof like that 😳

    Post count: 1401

    How did Kendall and Sour Apple do? Looks like a fun time. John and KCW got a good shout out by the commentators during the night race.

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    Post count: 5403

    MAN, another kick the the balls. Looked good for a while. JJ got some screen time being up front for a few laps. Sponsors will like that.

    Kendall played jam car on the start, he took off slow and helped John get out front.

    They reversed qualifying order for the race. Meaning the slowest qualifier got the first choice on track position.

    “If you smell a delicious, crispy smell after the race, it’s not your tailpipe. It’s just a little of Shake…and Bake!”

    Post count: 3541

    Well, I hear this is racing……… Anyways, always exciting to support the Team heading out for some fun but I’m gonna donate my $100 in gas for the trip home!!!😀👍😀👍😀👍😀👍😀👍

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 374 total)
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