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  • Volksman
    Post count: 60

    Glad you guys are ok!

    Post count: 799

    Wow ,glad you are ok . How is the shoulder

    Post count: 1913

    Holy shit! ?

    Glad everyone is in one piece! Maybe time to fab up a roll bar? ?

    Matt Faulkner
    Post count: 56

    John looks like ya need a new one now!  I need to build one too!!!  I’m glad you guys are ok!!!

    Post count: 343

    That’s scary shit ? maybe I should start wearing a seat belt… Glad everyone was ok!

    Post count: 1401

    Don’t tell your physical therapist. They don’t like hearing that stuff. I made the mistake of binging in my motorcycle helmet to a therapy session. You’d of though I killed someone.

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    Post count: 5403

    I came up behind Mark and John. Immediately started assessing the situation. They are bumped and bruised. JJ has some good knuckle lacerations. But everything seems to be OK.

    Not bad. We sat there a minute to make sure everyone was calm and cool. I collect the parts. We say some thank yous. A couple passer-bys don’t notice what has happened. We don’t say anything.

    The car is banged up. Bent spindle, bent axle, and bent tie rod. Pat smashes the tie rod strait. JJ fires the engine and lets the clutch out. It rolls decent enough to drive a little further up the trail. We think for a minute. Hydrate. No sense in going home. Realize its going to be the last ride for this machine.  John says lets keep going. I laugh and agree. Mark nods that hes good too. Wheew!

    Haha, and we did for a few more hours. Could have been a bad day, but we got lucky and managed to make the best of it.

    JJ and Mark are currently soaking in hot springs. Sore. But are in good shape. Johns shoulder was on the inside. No contact.


    Dario and I smash-passed Pat and JJ up a rock stair case (fyi Dario is a trash talking co-driver 😆 ) Then paid the price with a cracked sump. I had to abandon my machine and ride back seat w/Pat and Derrick.
    I’m certain Mark thinks America is nuts at this point.

    Post count: 710

    Haha u guys are awesome! ? what don’t kill ya makes u stronger!

    Post count: 1401

    Quite the recap. Sounds like a fun day.

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    Post count: 1010

    Wow guys, glad everyone is ok.

    Throw a cage in that bitch and get it ready for next weekend!

    Post count: 605

    Damn! Glad you guys are ok!


    Pat K
    Post count: 2933

    Seatbelts did their job. Car may have survived better with a cage. Everyone walked away is the most important.

    None of us will slow down…?

    ?….time to order a cage.

    We will build it if it comes.

    Post count: 1401

    ….time to order a cage.

    …and three points!

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    Baja Mark
    Post count: 448

    I’m certain Mark thinks America is nuts at this point.

    Hahahaha, was it that obvious?! 🙂

    It could have been a really bad day for sure. Lap belts did a great job, even though I don’t think mine was tight enough and caused some killer bruises – it’s a good job chicks dig scars ?

    I’m still humbled by JJ’s response to the rookie (Who let the right hand drive guy drive?!) wrecking his baja ? I’m determined to make it right one day though… The memories we all got from Sunday were awesome and will live on forever…

    Baja Mark
    Post count: 448

    Some pics from Sunday.

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 577 total)
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