Home Forums Camping & Show Stuff VWs At The Springs 2021

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  • Glennmoss
    Post count: 343

    991C90E8-68D8-467A-B76F-24ABA5B3328ASuch an awesome campsite last nightE1F9454F-BCFC-49AE-8DDF-4CB5E8FBAEB1C0ABDA4E-8620-4504-A2A6-A0310DD517702D05520F-CC78-4DF4-9A23-BAFB88AC5554183AF4C4-B521-4F85-976D-40401DAA5A38DDA99FBD-5191-4EB7-B1CE-17C84AE0FE04River showed up and brought the monsoon rains with her! Luckily they quickly passed and we took full advantage of the high waters1D410C02-5C0F-4045-8A79-964B27AFAE93

    Gretchen Jones
    Post count: 1416

    Having fun!!!!! Staying cool!!!!



    I love going on adventures in our bus!!!

    Gretchen Jones
    Post count: 1416

    I am SURE more pics will show up in the next few days!!!! I took the fewest pics🙈


    I love going on adventures in our bus!!!

    Post count: 73

    Thanks to everyone for all the support. Always great having you in the camp next door. I definitely need a few weeks to decompress from this weekend, but I still can’t wait till next year.

    Post count: 3541

    Sooooooo Happy you all got to Party!!!!!😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

    Post count: 1668

    Heres a few photos from my nice camera of the weekend!! What an awesome weekend with so many awesome people!!!



    Amazing Times at our site in Lava!!



    AWESOME Orange Sunrise this morning back at the Flaming Gorge Spot!!


    Kill em with Kindness 😎

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    What a trip… What a trip… fuck…  I tell ya… well… I don’t know what to tell ya… if you weren’t able to go this year, I hope you make it next year… I fear I am going to wear my welcome out up there in Idaho…  But I hope not!!!  It really is the BEST campout of the year!!! THE most relaxing, being able to get in the water is priceless!!!  You guys need to charge more for this shit!!!!!!!!!    And We got to float the river EVERYDAY of our trip!!!!  BOTH WAYS there AND back!!!!  😎  Man….  and only driving 200 plus or minus miles a day is awesome too.!!!

    Jesse got TWO of them wolf stickers on his bus.. a smaller one on the pass vent window, and a larger one on his drivers windscreen.   He’s a rock star!!!

    Sucks balls Bubba couldn’t make it.. Sucks balls all the work that went into going, for bubba AND pat!!!!   Pat did make it… His Baja, old reliable, the car he has owned for like 30 years and daily drives made the trip without a hicup!!!!!!!!

    I had TOO many VOODOO rangers this weekend… and doubt I was the only one.. 2 of the nights on the trip they laid me out laying feeling like shit… NOT WORTH IT….

    I haven’t touched a screen since last week Tuesday!!!!! Thats what a good bus trip does for me.. 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1025

    Sounds like a well deserved vacation

    Post count: 1913

    Yup awesome trip, even though I blew up my engine, still had a great time. I love our VW family. 2V2A10672V2A10962V2A11032V2A11112V2A11212V2A11332V2A11632V2A11722V2A11862V2A1191

    Post count: 1913
    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Them pics made me smile… 😎 😎  Thanks for sharing!!!   Chin up on the motor… just a little work and some fresh heads… it will just be a good story to tell on the next camp trip…. 😎  😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 73

    Damn those are incredible pics.

    Every year we share the pics taken by those who attend on our Facebook and Instagram pages. If any of you would be willing to share could you email them to me? Oldspeed1961@gmail.com

    By the way, our 2022 dates are already set for July 22-24. I’m giving you almost a year notice, now no one has an excuse to not make it.

    John, the KCW corner is one of the staples of our event. I don’t see you wearing out your welcome anytime soon, even though you think we only come over to yell at you. 😉

    Pat K
    Post count: 2933

    Heck of a good time!!! Looking forward to next year already.


    Monday morning at Flaming Gorge.C42D935E-E4C3-4B4B-A30E-497F8F2C1245D8D61CA2-6319-48FA-8291-0C663347882F

    Between attempting burnouts and off roading his riding mower this guy offered to buy all of our rides at a gas stop.B35C2C91-6715-4751-953F-5677A7139ED9

    On the road home. 74AB8F2F-6329-49CC-AEA0-3D5463751BFA9B157B46-0807-43C2-A57A-CCB2848A51072E6E421D-252F-4F98-A366-CDB278CD2CECE34E9746-FC3D-40B8-B616-AADFA72BB01E4BE655B0-B450-47D6-990B-6BCF3E1565EE

    We will build it if it comes.

    Brian E
    Post count: 46


    Did you drive the bus home, or end up towing it?

    I was thinking about your setup on the way home, and I would suggest ditching the Scat ratio rockers as well.  The w120 isn’t exactly a “gentle” cam, and adding even 1.25 rockers will make the valve opening and closing even more harsh.  The only benefit of the 1.25 rockers is adding about 500rpm on the upper end of the power band, and that is not necessary for what you are doing.  Swap them for stock rockers on properly shimmed solid shafts, and it will be quiet, easy and sturdy.

    CB Panchito heads, 9.0:1, and a tight deck.  Pay the extra $$ for the CNC 60cc chambers, dual springs, CMoly retainers, and the matching as-cast manifolds.  I would also swap to CB HD aluminum push rods, so your valve lash stays consistent and doesn’t hammer the parts.  It will drive like a whole different engine from those heads you had before.


    It was good to see John and Gretchen again, and good to meet you Willy.  Hopefully next time we will be able to work in more time at the camp ground to hang out.  We did 2500miles in 8 days with 3 kids in the bus.


    Type E Motorsports

    Post count: 110

    Sure had fun with y’all! Next year I am not driving 660 miles in a 24 hour time period to get there. Geezus what was I thinking, lol.  Miss you all! See you at the next thing!

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