Home Forums Bullshit Our Trip of a Lifetime to KCW…

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  • Baja Mark
    Post count: 448

    We got back yesterday from our 12 day trip to KCW, during which John managed to get Dan to loan us his awesome bay window deluxe. We were blown away by KCW, John and Gretchen’s hospitality and the hospitality and friendship shown to us by many others, including the KCW crew, Rusty, Jesse, Ron, Dan, the Ottinger’s, Kevin and Cole, Tony Brown and many others. We’ve made memories that will last with us forever and, more importantly, friendships with people who we feel like we’ve known forever.

    Here is the story in pictures of our trip; I hope we haven’t missed anything or anyone out:

    We flew into Denver 4/19 and stayed downtown in the Marigold hotel – Town was busy what with 4/20 and we went to explore as our room took a while to be ready. After a much-needed shower and some sleep, we headed for breakfast at Syrup, followed by picking up the Rental car and heading West.

    The first unscheduled diversion was to Central City – I bought a vintage Lost Gold Mine – Central City license plate topper over 10 years ago and had it on most of my buses – I never thought I’d be visiting it in person, but at just an 11-mile detour each way, it seemed stupid not to go and search for the lost gold mine (now a private residence it seems).IMG_9239

    We then made the 4 hour drive to Junction with just a few stops to take photos, or shop (Jo had an outlet shops place on her to-do list!)IMG_9248IMG_9283

    We saw all four seasons on the way to Junction, from summer right through to winter and blizzard driving, before arriving at KCW to a warm welcome. I’ve been on the forums since the 26 day wonder, probably 15 years, but didn’t really get an idea of the shop layout. I had to pinch myself that I was actually there!


    After unpacking and a great couple of hours meeting and chatting with the guys, we all headed out in John’s Chevy for dinner – Roosters was packed, so we grabbed a tasty bite at Edgewater Brewery.

    We hit the hay fairly early and Saturday dawned bright and early. While Jo still slept I was up exploring the shop and taking pictures, I even managed to help Franz fit his bumpers.


    I also explored the compound and snapped pictures – I told the guys that everything there would be considered buildable to us European guys and I mentally built a few of them in my mind..


    Rusty followed me to GJ airport to drop off the rental car in the scorcher and let me drive back..


    We then decided to take Rusty’s SC out to the Monument to snap some pics for the book – Jo, John, Rusty and I headed out – John and Rusty in the truck with Jo and I going for a practice run out in ‘our’ bay window.. the Monument road was closed for resurfacing, but we managed to get some good pics by the golf course.

    DSC_0099We then began readying the bay for our trip: I washed it, while Gretchen kindly helped Jo to make some curtains.


    We then headed to Roosters at 5pm and Derrick joined us a little later for a reunion. After being plied with hundreds of chicken wings, beer and Mystic Biscuits, I was happy that Matt Faulkner offered to drive the bay back to the shop. We then had a great campfire, with added burn from a magnesium trans side cover.. I was on water after the mystic biscuits, but still woke at 4am with the worst headache I’ve ever had – I’m sure the altitude and dehydration had something to do with it too.

    After catching another hour sleep around 9-10, I awoke feeling a little better and decided to head out with the guys in the Baja’s…


    These guys really get after it and it was an adrenaline-fuelled trip from start to finish. When John took to the passenger seat after a smoke stop, I reluctantly slipped behind the wheel and drove about 10 minutes. As I went around a left hand bend, the back end went out on some soft sand, the front left tire clipped a bush and we flipped. We were doing around 45 in third and the car apparently went 8 feet in the air and did one full airborne roll before hitting the ground for the first time. It felt like it just wouldn’t stop rolling. When we finally came to rest on the wheels, JJ’s door was open and kickstanded us, throwing the top half of his body out of the car. I hauled him back in and we both got out to meet a very concerned Franz and Peet. We were thankfully OK – JJ had a cut on his head and a stiff neck, as well as badly cut knuckles and I had a couple of lumps and a lot of bruising and grazes.


    Unfortunately the sand scorcher didn’t fare so well – The whole body got bashed up and pushed out of shape. I was so pissed that I’d wrecked JJ’s car, but he was so cool about it. I’m determined to make it right some day though.. Pat pushed the bent long tie rod back into shape, then Franz found a big rock to smash it with – Baja 500 practice. We managed to get back on the road and complete the trail – another 3-4 hours and the sand scorcher showed it had some fight left…

    To be continued…

    Post count: 147

    damn I had no idea you rolled the car

    glad everyone was ok


    well that makes for some exciting tales

    Post count: 478

    It is amazing how cool everyone is and how hospitable JJ and Gretchen are…that is such an unheard of thing nowadays. I look at your pics and read your thoughts of the shop and it instantly brings me back to me and my wifes trip…I’ve seen pics and stuff for years but it was crazy actually being there and talking to everyone…it was like walking through the website, kind of surreal. We got the ride to dinner in the dually too and when we came back a month later to pick up our car, we stayed with the jones’. I even got to drive the royal mail bus…and may or may not have almost backed it in into my car after dinner at roosters lol. I thought John was going to kill me but he didn’t even mention it even though I know he saw it (he was in my car). maybe he needs to rethink letting people drive his cool shit hahahaha, I would have had to leave my shitbox there as payment to cover the damages. bottom line, cool people…GOOD people…I look forward to the next time I get to stop by and say hello.

    Post count: 1036

    So you guys are trying to say your trip was OK ?    Y’all have just got to accept the the fact that the Jones and staff treat pretty much everyone like family. Get used to it.

    Post count: 168

    On my first road trip with the KCW crew. We went to Busses at the Brewery in Colorado Springs.  I reamed out the spilnes on the driversside hub. A friend of JJ’s (Mark) had another hub that he put on my car. It had lug studs on it that ended up catching on a part of my parking brake when I pulled it while still moving. Anyhow, I ended up with no brakes at all. We made another quick roadside repair then headed on. JJ said if I had another problem and the brakes went out that I could just run into the back of his bus to stop. Nice guy to offer up the back of his bus to help stop my car. He was driving Grandfather at the time.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I really appreciate the compliments and kind words guys and gals..  I treat people just how I want to be treated..  and Corporate is the nicest person that has ever come into my life… 😎


    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Gretchen Jones
    Post count: 1416

    I really appreciate the compliments and kind words guys and gals.. I treat people just how I want to be treated.. and Corporate is the nicest person that has ever come into my life… ?

      Love you xoxoxoxoxoxo


    Thank you sooooo much everyone!!!!  We really enjoy having visitors and guests at KCW… We have met lots and lots of great VW folks and hope to continue meeting  more… VW folks are a special, very down to earth, easy going, non judgemental breed!!  It’s amazing how such a basic connection/interest/passion can facilitate lifelong friendships!   The rest of the world could learn a lot from us.  We are all soooooooo lucky to be part of the VW family.

    I love going on adventures in our bus!!!

    Post count: 1401

    I really appreciate the compliments and kind words guys and gals.. I treat people just how I want to be treated.. and Corporate is the nicest person that has ever come into my life… ?

    Love you xoxoxoxoxoxo Thank you sooooo much everyone!!!! We really enjoy having visitors and guests at KCW… We have met lots and lots of great VW folks and hope to continue meeting more… VW folks are a special, very down to earth, easy going, non judgemental breed!! It’s amazing how such a basic connection/interest/passion can facilitate lifelong friendships! The rest of the world could learn a lot from us. We are all soooooooo lucky to be part of the VW family.

    Have I ever mentioned that I lived in KCW’s back yard, in my bus, for about six months! Used the electricity, hot water, Gretchen’s washer and dryer, kitchen, and a host of other stuff. Kept my motorcycle and tool boxes in the clean shop(usually right in everyone’s way). John wouldn’t take any money for rent. I did get to buy him and Gretchen breakfast a time or two. 🙂

    I hope someday John and Gretchen come to Tucson and stays as long as they can sit still.

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    Post count: 979

    Cool trip brits!

    Add me to the list, about 2004 when I found KCW. 2005 first trip, been back and forth a few times. Always a good time, some working and some just chilling. I hope to make many more trips to KCW.

    Post count: 60

    I’ve been emailing John about coming out there. Need some TLC / Spa treatment on my bug. Got the money finally saved up now just need to get a date set. Reading this thread is getting me so excited to get out there. This will be my first trip as well. I have been following the site for so many  years it will be awesome to finally get there.

    Looks like you guys had an amazing adventure at KCW!

    Post count: 5403

    Hey Mark, we got the mags today. Nice spread! Are going to see some of those crashed baja pics? 🙂


    Lone Star
    Post count: 250

    Cool read..!!!!!!!!!!!

    Baja Mark
    Post count: 448

    Hey Mark, we got the mags today. Nice spread! Are going to see some of those crashed baja pics? 🙂 DSCF7352DSCF7350

    hahaha. I sent them in with the feature, but they seem to have ended up on the cutting room floor. I have a Tabeguache piece for Volksworld to write up though…

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    cool stuff… got it all yesterday…. Thanks! 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Good read Mark.. Your a great writer and know how to keep us reading… 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

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