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  • alykat
    Post count: 1036

    Thanks for posting the race LATOR and congratulations Team KCW !


    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    What a week!!!!! 😎

    Frozen throttle cable again!!  I was using my ignition to control my speed in the bus..  Then my church key broke in richfield!!!!!  Darnit!!!!

    Prerun on Friday.. Broke a spindle and an axle and bent a drum too…  😎  Donnie loaned me the shit… and I fixed it all on Sunday!!!  😎

    Had a good short course run…  Only person who got around me for good, passed me when the competition caution came out..

    8th place!!!  Stoked  Drove my car back on the trailer!!!  and I know I can drive it a little faster too… 😎

    Thanks for all the help and support!!!!  I had a GREAT Gas weekend!!!!

    Time for surgery in an hour!!!!  L2 lamnanetatomy!!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1010

    So glad 1131 came home in 1 piece!!

    Good luck with the new (0ldest) project!!

    Post count: 1142

    Time for surgery in an hour!!!! L2 lamnanetatomy!!

    Hope it goes well and the recovery is quick!

    Post count: 2581

    good luck with surgery John!

    Post count: 3541

    👍👍👍👍 Good Luck Jones!!!!👍👍👍👍 I’ll head down as soon as ya let me and help out with the side lot!!😃😃😃

    Post count: 213

    Best of luck

    Post count: 1913

    Super awesome race and really glad that 1131 was able to be driven back onto the trailer! Really clean racing from JJ and AJ too!2V2A68072V2A7188

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    You should have seen me swapping my axle tubes out in the desert!  I had 2 very fucking used side cover gaskets.  And silicone!  Bearing cap gaskets too👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

    no fucking leaks!!!👍🏻👍🏻Surgery went good….

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 3541

    Somebody said they saw you head over to Roosters right after surgery for beer and wings!!!!😂😂😂😂

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    wasn’t me..  Nurse Gretchen wouldn’t allow that!!!

    I can’t believe all the work I was able to pull off the last month..  😎

    So happy to have a car I could race this weekend if I wanted!!!  I didn’t hurt it at all short course racing!!! 😎

    All my mods worked out!!!  My car felt super stuck to the ground!!  I think I drove on the side of caution after all the rebuilds I have had to do..

    More seat time…, thats all I need at this point. 😎

    Qualifying position makes a HUGE difference..  and..  Being aggresive, ignoring the first caution flag warning… if you don’t run a radio..  You won’t hear shit…

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    1131 is still Alive!   👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🪫
    I am sooo fucking impressed we were able to pull it all together and still have an awesome week!!!  We met more good people, visited with ones we haven’t seen since CRANDON!  Had some awesome Steak from Noah’s smoker!!  Just all around great experience again!!!!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I think The battle at Primm is coming up..

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Super awesome race and really glad that 1131 was able to be driven back onto the trailer! Really clean racing from JJ and AJ too!2V2A68072V2A7188

    i can’t wait till everyone can watch my cam racing forward!    We Ran a super clean no mistakes, smooth… race!

    I need to be more aggressive, like lung up for qualifying!!!  Not having to get around people is huge!  Oh..  and caution is yellow for a reason…. Floor it one more time🤫🤫😏🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1668

    Oh man KING OF THE HAMMERS!!! 🔥

    always an epic event… one you can’t even understand until you go… burning man of off road racing!!! I read there was/is more people out there than will show up to the Super Bowl!!! Crazy shit!! And yes people are still out there it’s like a 3 week event!! B8C2E3BD-0B8A-49E7-91FD-31A1F4DBFF8845D622C1-6143-4F68-BBE6-B79671AE9C1E44A9CE2E-BEDA-4B2A-A54F-16767FE3BF13

    When JJ and I went out in the desert to pre-run on Friday we instantly knew the course was ROUGH… but the car did good, and after the initial part it mellowed out a bit and we were commenting on how good the car felt… OOPPS maybe we jinxed it 🤪 once we hit the next rough section we thought we were just stuck but the spindle and axle had already broke and the drum was bent and turns out the diff sorta spun out of place inside the tranny too… FUCK! After about 5+ hours waiting in the desert and using our bad ass light up whip as our light and beacon (plus our bad ass rugged radios – they are thee best!!!)  for others to find us, and our friends in the slow ride camp finally found us way out there and drove us the 15-20 miles back to camp… 5B6FA6AE-DC5F-41A8-8EE9-DE442C055A790AF26FF2-EE35-4B00-9F10-8880B00F8989C78A305D-4F75-4978-AEA8-78CD24139748thank goodness Donny had his truck and team out there willing and able to help us out 🙏🏻 nothing like that class 11 fam 🤙🏼🤙🏼

    the next day Donny had his son bring out a tranny he already had built for a new car he’s trying to build and Chip had a friend grab some axels that fit, and we went to Mauro’s shop just outside hammertown for a break line and tranny oil and we had everything we needed… besides good gaskets of course like JJ said… silicone for the win!!! And JJ got to work… it was a ton of work to do out in the desert like that, but he trashed it together and by Sunday we were all helping out the car back together and had it ready for tech for the Great American short course series 🤙🏼

    meanwhile on Saturday I was asked to ride with Eric, Donny’s original co-driver who now has his own car, and I was able to race on Saturday with him in the 1176 blue car!!!! It was a bad ass experience!!! I’d never riden with anyone besides my dad before! He is not afraid to hammer his car and perservere through that gnarly desert!! We got the hole shot too off the land rush which was EPIC!!! I’ll share the footage I got off the go-pro – that was a hell of a way to start the race – and that go pro was so awesome – the adrenaline – whoa 🔥🔥🔥🔥BF169417-01E4-443F-8EA2-C4F99619F066E10D3F96-90A5-4550-A7F4-878119C1BEE8B079F170-C660-4EFB-80A4-E681F8805F24we got stuck a couple times in the bottle necks – during one of them we changed a flat tire while we waited for someone to pull us out, and in the second bottleneck  Eric got so impatient he just romped over the mountain and showed the cars behind us a “new” line to take which was sick – I saw Dave Cole (owner of ultra 4/KOH) at the top smiling and nodding as we drove past 😁 then we were off with little issues until that same spot where JJ and I broke and we had to get pulled out of some deep sand there, then kept going…. We were only a few miles from the finish when Eric lost first gear on that same sand hill so many got stuck at right there in the beginning… it wasn’t how we wanted to finish but with such a gnarly course it felt good to even get that far, and to be out because of a mechanical issue not something we did… I’m glad JJ and i pre-ran what we did cause knowing the parts of the track i did see from our car and the side by side that took me through another section – thanks Dave! – was very beneficial! The navigation is very important for desert racing 😅55F879BA-1F77-4A95-8EFE-D00F21133991

    part 2 – GAS race review – and more pics/videos coming soon 😎

    Kill em with Kindness 😎

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