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  • mtnbus
    Post count: 2578


    i hope this is a good thing for you (and Gretchen). It sure sounds like it is! And, I know it’s been on the radar for some time. Prob on Franz and Pats mind too.

    I can’t tell you how good it felt once I was able to move on from my shop. Heavey weight lifted off my back.

    although, I still to this day have people saying “I wish you didn’t sell”, “I miss the shop”, “where do I bring my board” etc,etc (I’m sure you’ll get this too. And prob more than I did).

    but. For me, it wasn’t about the customer anymore, after 21 years I was done with trying to please people, it was now about me and my future and the things I wanted to do with my life.

    I commend you with the choices you’ve made.

    I also wish the very best for Franz and Pat! We all still need help keeping our vws alive.

    I feel very lucky and proud to have been a small part of the KCW family. You have always welcomed me and my beater VWs into your shop. Letting me pick around and dig through parts, helping me with whatever bullshit problem I was having.

    Thank you to KCW !

    an era ended that I’m proud to have been a small part of.

    also, thanks for keeping the forum up!






    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I’ll probably leave the website up… It’s here for the customers more than anything…  and it seems to be the hang out for those of us who hate facebook.. It’s also great resume for Zack!!   I’d love to tell you the store makes money… But I haven’t seen anything yet.. Maybe I have money in some account I don’t know about??????  Bottom line… it really isn’t costing me much… the internet connection I guess…  But I want that anyway..  Although maybe I could down grade it???


    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    John i hope this is a good thing for you (and Gretchen). It sure sounds like it is! And, I know it’s been on the radar for some time. Prob on Franz and Pats mind too. I can’t tell you how good it felt once I was able to move on from my shop. Heavey weight lifted off my back. although, I still to this day have people saying “I wish you didn’t sell”, “I miss the shop”, “where do I bring my board” etc,etc (I’m sure you’ll get this too. And prob more than I did). but. For me, it wasn’t about the customer anymore, after 21 years I was done with trying to please people, it was now about me and my future and the things I wanted to do with my life. I commend you with the choices you’ve made. I also wish the very best for Franz and Pat! We all still need help keeping our vws alive. I feel very lucky and proud to have been a small part of the KCW family. You have always welcomed me and my beater VWs into your shop. Letting me pick around and dig through parts, helping me with whatever bullshit problem I was having. Thank you to KCW ! an era ended that I’m proud to have been a small part of. also, thanks for keeping the forum up!


    Thanks Bubba.. Great post.  I will be more likely to follow you to mexico now… 😎  End of an ERA for sure…

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1010

    I would (and did) miss the website, thanks for that John.

    Post count: 527

    JJ, First off thanks for putting the site back up. I was missing all the progress pics and reading about VW’s. I too have only been a small part of the KCW family,but have been grateful for it small as it is. You and Gretchen have always been easy to communicate with and forever willing to get my small shirts for my little boy Jude. Thanks for the door panel rework and knowledge you shared with me about my 48. I hope the best for you, your family, Pat and Franz. You all are amazing folks in my book!

    If you remember I was running a metals recycling facility with my family before. Well we had an unexpected change of events 4 years ago and I had to change my direction in life and seek different employment. It was a hard time in me and my wife’s life but it has turned out for the best. Like you said some times the best choice is not the easy one. There are people and situations put in our path in life that are not meant for a lifetime , but are just seasonal to help us get to where we need to be. I went and visited my old facility for the first time since leaving last week and the place is doing outstanding. Me and my wife have never been more blessed and happy with ourselves and where we are. Life is a great journey that makes or breaks us based on decisions, if you fail its because you didn’t make a choice, not because you made the wrong one.

    Sorry for the long post. Thanks to you and this KCW family for all the knowledge and motivation to the VW community. I appreciate you all. Now go enjoy yourself… You earned it!😉👍👍

    Post count: 202

    I’m happy for you on the thought about retirement but sad about the abrupt ending. I hope all is well with you and the KCW crew. Lots of talent up there and hopefully they had enough heads up to make “other” plans. I’ve been let go out of the blue without reason or notification and it really sucks, but also can say on the other side it all worked out and I’m in a much better position…. Best of luck to all of the KCW family in this new chapter.

    Post count: 710

    Holy fuck JJ you’re doin it!? Congratulations bro, you deserve to retire….nobody wanted to see you work yourself to the grave man! KCW will always kick ass no matter what form it takes👊👊

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Thanks Josh.  It wasn’t planned.. I wish it wasn’t so abrupt, but it is what it is..

    In hind sight.  Which is 20/20 of course 😎😎😎😎  the rules just got tooo lax at work.  people got too comfortable.    You can’t say anything you want to your boss.

    Relationships are hard to end.  No doubt about it. Gotta let some time go by now…

    I’ll just keep doin what I been doing😎

    im stoked to be able to say I am finally done with it😎😎😎😎



    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 710

    That sucks. Work/play/friendships is a tough balance….no clue what happened but I can see the potential for trouble😬 I hope the best for the 3 of you hard workin, ass kickin dudes👊🤘

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I have been waiting for a clear sign of when I should quit. And it came at me the other night like a strike of thunder!!!

    I wish the best to the guys.. they are both highly talented hard workers.   They both want to make more $$ and they have the skills to make that happen.  I thought I was paying good..  but todays inflation has pushed me right out of the employment market.

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 12

    Congratulations John I read your site every day feel like I’m apart of your journey well most of us feel that way I think this is great for you nowadays people really connect with your personal adventures hope all of your family is well and glad to have part of a build and previous build your enthusiasm changed the game back in the day.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Thanks guys!  I’m excited for the future.. and happy with my decision to quit 👍🏻👍🏻

    I had a lawyer tell me one time that if I don’t eventually sell my business, and work for myself my whole life, all I did was create a JOB for myself..

    So for 20 years its been stuck in my head that I Must sell Kcw eventually..  I know that’s NOT happening.. and it changes my whole perspective..   I’ve got everything I could ever want right here at 801 Kimball ave…    I’m not leaving this place ever👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1142

    I had a lawyer tell me one time that if I don’t eventually sell my business, and work for myself my whole life, all I did was create a JOB for myself.. So for 20 years its been stuck in my head that I Must sell Kcw eventually..

    That’s one way to look at it, but I’d disagree a bit. The value in “KCW” is the service John Jones provides, so yes, it’s not the easiest asset to cash in on.  Anyone who could provide a similar quality service wouldn’t really get much out paying a premium for “KCW”…they’d just set up and do their own thing, similar to Pigpen, and what I imagine Franz and Pat will do.  What your lawyer friend left out is that you invested in your business, buying the earth, buildings and tools that make it go.  You now own commercial real estate (it sounds like free and clear, too), and if you were to decide to never turn a wrench for a dollar again I’d image you and Gretchen could engage a leasing broker to find tenants for the commercial buildings while you two sit on your porch, gaze at the Colorado River, and collect rent for the rest of your lives.

    Gretchen Jones
    Post count: 1416

    Yes!!! Options are good to have!!!! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

    I love going on adventures in our bus!!!

    Post count: 526

    Well put Pete.

    My personal story.

    In 1982 ,[BC..before children] …my wife Woody and I decided to rent our home and with a couple of backpacks head off on a trip that would take us 50 months of eastward travel around the world….and home.

    By 1984 ,when the Olympics was on in L.A. we purchased a one owner ’69 Westphalia and over the next 2 years ,we travelled north south east and west of the USA and Canada.

    Whilst working at Paddy Bugatti’s in Aspen ,I was fortunate to meet a customer who explained to me that in all businesses,two of the components are Product and Commodity.

    We sometimes get these mixed up.

    In life,the commodity is the vehicle that takes us to market….whatever we choose to do.

    Thus ,the product is us, and when we realize and accept this fact,we are then forever empowered to forge our own destiny.

    After 25 years in the hotel and restaurant business,where I carried the risk and provided the livelihood for many others,I found myself in 1991 unemployed for the first time ever (following the sale of our restaurant) with a larger mortgage,a beautiful wife and two baby girls.

    I took about six months of ‘Mental Basket Weaving’ by working part time at the Perth central fruit and vegetable markets as a barrow boy.No employees,no landlord,no general public. Having got my shit together, I went back to the ‘I am the product’ discussion,and my earlier training as a signwriter and began my chalkboard business. At times it can be frustrating working solo,in a non collaborative environment however the benefit of  owning your diary and thus time is the most liberating and fullfilling experience.

    I have now been working from home by the Indian Ocean for 32 years,producing a high quality ‘commodity’ for the local hospitality industry.I make the chalkboards,design and draw them and install them.I’ve recently turned 70 and am looking forward to the next exciting 35 ….

    Over the years I have seen many really good partnerships ,particularly in the Signage business, flourish with the energy of very talented individuals who at some point decide to separate and do their own thing. Generally ,the outcome is good ,as it is an opportunity for Good Products to grow and provide their own version of their commodity.

    I’m currently the Vice President of the Volkswagen Club of Western Australia.The club is now the largest car club in the state ,with around 500 members and over 1000 vehicles,so I do understand the complexities of differing personalities and points of view.

    Even though I do drive a Bay Dualcab,I love my daily dose of KCW,so thank you John for keeping this great space open.

    Although I have not met any of you , I get the sense that we are amongst good people on here. A huge thanks goes to those who participate and freely share the good times, playing with a variety of VWs wherever you may be.

    To The Jones’, Franz and Pat ,you are obviously all good products and I wish you all good vibes and fantastic success in the future.






    Test Pilot @ Submarine Airways

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