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  • John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Sorta!!!!!   No more walk in dumb shit✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋  no more new customer’s,  if I don’t know you already, sorry🤫🤫🤫🤫  I’m ready to retire correctly 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻  Not just SOrTA😎😎😎😎  no more taxes, no more payroll, no more 941’s, no more quarterly shit..  no more being the boss of anyone🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫  no more interns, no more bull shit,  no more fuel injection, no more bays, no more no more no more!!!!!!!!!!

    Cash is King…  👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    I realize KCW is me.  Im never gonna be able to sell myself😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁.    I’m gonna do the work I want to do, and nothing else.

    yup, there was a very unfortunate turn of events a few days ago, a few too many things said, lines crossed and I’m done.  😏

    I’m gonna knock out what I have here, and that’s it!  And if I am going to be a one man show..  I might raise the rate to $100 an hour… Cause I can😏🤫🤫🤫🤫

    my Volkswagens brought my freedom to me.. my shop helped build it. And secure it!  , now I got it👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻  Time to enjoy in large doses!!!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    I took the website down the other day cause I as going to let this go with my “in business” status.  It’s just something else I have to keep up..

    But I realized how many people love it, and it’s really here for my current customers so they Can see what is done daily around here.  👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 I’ll keep it👍🏻   Doesn’t cost me anything, I own the server!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Scott Sain
    Post count: 392

    Does this apply here?

    Let a couple hours go by, I bet it’s gonna be all right

    VWs, food, music, and food
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    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Nope..  Sorry guys gals and those who identify as other.. 😎  I am so happy to finally have a good stopping point… A line in the sand..   I have been wanting to quit for years,  I have preached about the unsustainability of this specific trade.  The rising cost of everything has led to the rising cost of everything else… Like labor..  And my “mom and pop” business can not keep it up..  It’s time to dock the boat.. It’s time to turn off the machine.

    It occurred to me this morning that I kept it open for the last few years in hopes of selling it…  Not actively by any means.. Hoped it was soo appealing some one would have to have my set up!!!  😎  Whether it be for commercial use or private use..     It happens with personal homes all the time..   Even maybe a big company like holiday inn???  to Build a hotel or a Tesla charging station down by the river!!??  Or some young stud VW guy would swoop in and want it? Or maybe someone randomn..  This place wasn’t forsale ever when I bought it.. I asked to buy it!!!!! I wanted it and showed it. and had the means to buy it.   Well, it’s not for sale 😎  for realsies this time.. 😎

    Now..  I think I am gonna be here for  a while,  I’m gonna think of it as home and my garage going forward.  Not a business, a private home that pays commercial taxes…. 😎 😎 😎    I’ll do some work when asked, for those I choose, and when I feel like doing it. 😎

    I understand a lot of you came here for Franz or Pats work and fully understand if you decided to not bring work here anymore..

    For now on, all work done here will be by John Jones… Good bad or indifferent 😎 😎

    I have enough to keep me busy right now for the rest of the year!!!  I’m not stacking anything up extra for anyone..


    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 38

    We’ll, congratulations on making a difficult decision Mr Jones. I can state with authority and conviction,… retirement doesn’t suck!

    I applaud your graciousness in recognizing the importance of Franz and Pat’s work. Their attention to detail and pride of craftsmanship is without peer. Perhaps Pat may consider the nickname “Hanz” for future endeavors?

    Best of luck.

    Post count: 1010

    I’m in the same fucking boat with my business John as far as selling it, I hear ya. Congrats for deciding to pull the plug. I’ll likely have to do the same, when I get big enough balls…

    Post count: 1401

    Sooo, Franz and Pat are across the street doing their own thing?  I think it is a wise decision for you and Gretchen. Good luck with the future.

    I'm at the age where "fuck off", "fuck you", and "fuck it" answer most questions.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Thanks guys.   It was a hard decision, relationships are hard to break up..  but sometimes it’s the right decision:  and “the right decision is usually not the easy decision.”.

    Yup they are across the street.  That’s usually the first move…. My first partner moved to where Weston is.  Then a few across the street In the tiny 2 car..    I plan on sending them lots of work.  I hope they get it set up just right.  Vanagons and bays are gonna need somewhere to go now!  I really don’t even want to sell parts or any of that public parts place stuff.  Junkyard stuff maybe!!

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

    Post count: 1142

    Congrats on the retirement, JJ.  Many people slave away until their last day and never get that chance to enjoy the fruits of their labor; it’s quite an accomplishment that you can chose to work when, or even if, you want to at a relatively young age.

    As a long time admirer and past KCW customer, it does make me a little sad it’s happened this way.  Along with your skills, Franz and Pat’s talents were a big part of lots of people’s VW dreams (mine included).  I hope you all get what you want out of life, and wish you and the both of them nothing but the best in the future.

    Post count: 213

    Wow, what a ride John. I’ve been hanging around the forums since 2009….and used to stalk the shop on the ‘Dirty Cam’!  I bought a couple of your beams and my son is proud to drive a car that rolled thru your shop…even if it was a PigPen quickie.  It’s been awesome watching you and your guys hammer projects thru the shop.  I’m glad you kept the website. I don’t do social media and the only thing I surf on my phone is KCW, news and youtube, in that order.  Best of luck brother.

    Post count: 147

    Congrats on the retirement, JJ. Many people slave away until their last day and never get that chance to enjoy the fruits of their labor; it’s quite an accomplishment that you can chose to work when, or even if, you want to at a relatively young age. As a long time admirer and past KCW customer, it does make me a little sad it’s happened this way. Along with your skills, Franz and Pat’s talents were a big part of lots of people’s VW dreams (mine included). I hope you all get what you want out of life, and wish you and the both of them nothing but the best in the future.


    well said

    best of luck in the future

    Post count: 306

    JJ, good for you!  I can’t tell you how stoked I am to have had y’all bring my DC back to showroom condition a few years back.  My double has gotten miles of smiles from Dallas, TX to Long Beach, CA.  I hope “retirement” brings you the satisfaction you’re looking for.

    Post count: 1010


    Good luck to Franz and Pat they have the skills. Everyone wants to run a business, few pull it off. Doing the work is just a small part. And then there is taxes!

    Owning shop > renting shop 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Post count: 291

    Congrats on finally pulling the plug and enjoying what you have labored for. My brother runs a small road race car/ fabrication shop and he’s coming up on 10 years, same frustrations as you. Takes a certain breed to keep it going. Please keep the forum up if you can…. it’s been a daily ritual of mine and probably a lot of ours to see what’s happening at KCW.

    John Jones
    Post count: 14183

    Thanks guys..   I wanted to have my house paid off by 40…  CHECK… I wanted to have the shop paid off by 50… CHECK…  I moved here 22 years ago with  intentions of playing around with Volkswagens and my Wife do the working…  CHECK….. 😎  😎 😎

    Franz and Pat are both very skilled guys… It will work out, it always does..  We gotta watch that clock go in circles, and water flow under the bridge to see how it all works out now.. 😎  😎  😎   Change is good.. 😎   If you let it be, or maybe I should say Make it be!!!  😎 😎 😎

    All work and no play makes JJ a dull boy🤣
    Keeping a lid on it😎
    Attitude is everything 🤔

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